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1000 Gibibit

A member registered Jun 09, 2015 · View creator page →

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(4 edits)

Nice incremental with some obvious inspirations from Gnorp, which is good. The pixel art is pleasant and cute. It would be nice to be able to view the amount of an upgrade that you bought, for instance I don't know my total critical chance. The upgrade description does not update. In addition I'd like to view the current and available prestige upgrade effects without having to prestige.

Fun incremental jam game, quite good! Finished it in 30m or so, filled out all the slots. Saw on your Twitter that you're working on a mobile version, good luck!

That name alone is a piece of art. The font is really hard to read, I had to go into the description to figure out the controls.

The controls took some getting used to, but it was worth it. A ton of fun, and the floating eyeball energy orbs scared the shit out of me sometimes!

I feel like the moral of this game is "candy is bad for you" :D 

Got a 759k score, a really big Zilla-kid got to my tower. Geez.

(1 edit)

Made it with my brick!

That was a lot of fun, great job on the building mechanics. When in doubt, attach thrusters to a bunch of metal and pump it full of fuel. Can definitely appreciate the "launcher" genre of the game!

Short and sweet, I loved it. I liked the attention to detail with the intro, it adds a feeling of purpose to the game. It can sometimes be difficult to make a game that doesn't overstay its welcome, and you definitely managed to do that here.

(2 edits)

Fun premise, good movement! Needs some work on the execution, but you did a good job regardless :)

Getting up in the clouds was too difficult for me. I was unsure whether I was supposed to use the updraft of the volcano or the ramps at the bottom. The camera angles made it a bit hard to aim my drop when floating above the volcano, and I couldn't seem to keep my momentum when rolling down trying to hit the ramp.

I appreciate the music changing pace depending on how fast you're going, that's a nice touch. Reading your previous comment I can see you had a lot planned. I hope you won't be dissuaded by not achieving all your goals and that you learned a lot too. Overall a fun lil' jam prototype, keep it up!

P.S.: Remember you can do a WebGL export when using Unity. A lot more people will play your entry when there's a web version of it available!

There is something strangely therapeutic about frantically trying to press every key on your keyboard while looking for the correct one. It started out in a controlled manner, just have to press A-B-C-D! Then the mashing began...

Impressive solo entry, loved it. There is something strangely therapeutic about frantically trying to press every key on your keyboard while looking for the correct one. It started out in a controlled manner, just have to press A-B-C-D! Then the mashing began...

The looks of the game are solid, you showed how to make a good looking game with only a few assets. Very original concept, great job and keep it up!

I got destroyed by the AI! Will definitely try this out with my partner later. Very cute art, polished and a ton of fun. Great job on the movement as well. I don't really have anything to critique on this, smooth! The dynamic split screen transition is flawless too, great job!

I got 9, I'm not very good at flappy bird-style games 😭

I liked the game though. Fun, charming music. The falling spikes are original, I haven't seen that before in a flappy style game. The art style works very well. In terms of UI it would be nice if the game didn't restart immediately after losing, because I clicked two times in a row. But that's nitpicking. Good entry!

Your game has a lot of character! Despite the opaque initial presentation of the mechanics upon starting the game, after simply reading the instructions I enjoyed the gameplay a lot. There seems to be more customers than I can handle, so I opted to only serve one or two at a time, ignoring the rest and sometimes venturing further up knowing full well the customers further down would leave before I got to them.

For the pumps it took me a while to understand I had to drag the condiment on the drink instead of just clicking it. UX is difficult, I understand :)

I loved the art and character designs. It seemed like noone ordered Red Rex, so I decided to spike drinks of a single ounce of mammoth milk just so I could see all the different wing designs. Also gotta say it is pretty clever to make drinking the Red Rex yourself a mechanic in the game!

Having read the dev thoughts on the main game, I'd like to add that scoping in a jam is definitely difficult. Sometimes you just go with the flow, and then right before the deadline end up with some parts that are less refined than you'd wish. That's fine! For instance, I love all the details in the workstation. The ingredient names from the spices to the coffees, so many tools being available, the fact you had to pour espresso cups into other cups! The FRIGGIN BLENDER. Don't lament that you did that first, it's like a whole game on its own! You can always waste your life on making commercial games later ;) Game jams can be some good old fashioned fun by creating the thing you want to.

If you want your next gamejam game to have a more focussed gameplay loop, I'd advise starting by listing a very limited amount of very specific mechanics, then building that first. To use this game as an example, that would mean you'd list like 3 workstation tools before even deciding that you'd want to add platformer elements. That does mean you have to choose your utmost favorite mechanics and killdrop the rest, but it might have meant more time to work on details for the workstation tools (for example) and more time to think about what their gameplay means for the game as a whole.

K thx for reading my wall of text. Good job by the entire team. Overall very solid entry. Keep it up!

Fun little game, very compact! Although I had to get used to luring/slinging the mini robot magnets, it was consistent apart from when the minibots suddenly move on their own. The random level generation is pretty good, all the levels feel different. It can be a bit challenging when there are a lot of minibots very close to each other and you have to lure them away slowly one by one. It does feel good when you finally get past them though!

Great job and keep it up.

Incredibly polished, extremely fun! I was already enjoying the game a ton before I even noticed the tricks. Pretty darn good pacing, great premise, overall good game! I loved the animations and sound design on the tricks. Had to chuckle at the spring attached to the head as a fallback bounce option. A genuine 10/10. Keep it up! 

(1 edit)

Mining with guns? Makes sense 😀Love this, great concept and quite original. Some points of feedback:

  • The pacing is way too slow, it takes ages to get your second gun
  • Having a giant timer on unlocking the next planet is not good, just make it a few minutes
  • The above problems are exacerbated by the fact the game does not progress when offline
  • I love the music, but it would be better if the tracks are all available from the start. I get what you're going for by tieing them to specific planets, they're like theme songs. But because the pacing is so slow, I was listening to the first track for a very long time. Additionally, it's a bit annoying that the tracks constantly reset when switching planets.

I hope you'll address these issues in an update. Looking forward to playing the rest of the game, without encountering any horror elements!

Very cute and nice idea for an asynchronous coop game. Sadly I couldn't really try it out as all the community goals were already reached

Nice, I like the artstyle and 2d lighting. For some reason the bats instakilled me when I was still half health, maybe I saw incorrectly though. Keep it up!

Solid autoshooter, pretty good pixel art. Could use some more originality, clearly copies a lot from Vampire Survivors. Using another game as a basis is normal, but don't just copy half of the weapons from that game. It makes it very bland, feels like I'm playing something I already figured out which is boring. Like others I had the invulnerability bug. After one hit my character stayed red and didn't take damage.

Keep it up. Be bold and don't give up! People love new mechanics. You can use existing stuff but make sure to mix it up a bit more! Think about the basic mechanics in your game, the very basics, and how they could be different compared to your inspiration. What's the attack like? Do the enemies work differently? Maybe have them spawn in another way or add special movement patterns. Make a list of everything the game does and try to change as much as possible.

Sorry, I didn't write that down very clearly. The level did not repeat per se, but I had two characters to get to the other side. They both started on the same side, and I did not have to use any of their abilities. In that way, it felt like playing the same level twice. Because I had to platform both characters to the other side in the exact same way.

Simple but effective, and surprisingly challenging. The timing between the final dash and the slash proved devilishly fatal to me. Wouldn't have minded a life indicator and maybe a bit more life so you could play with more upgrades before dying. Great game on all fronts! I got 225 on my 2nd attempt.

Impressive how many levels you managed to make! The control scheme baffles me a bit, the levels were fun to figure out regardless. A few of the later levels didn't really make use the abilities of the different shapes. Like the one with the spikes and the bouncy pads where you just have to walk 3 of your guys a few steps to the right and you're done. And the first one with the conveyors, which was fine but for some reason you had to do the same level twice. Once with the circle and once with the square.

Sadly in one of the later levels with the escalators where you have to climb up the camera did not move up so I couldn't see the rest of the level. Lots of small critiques but don't let that fool ya. It's a great little game and I had fun, cheers!

Had fun, the gameplay and levels are original! I didn't mind the slippery movement per se, it added charm. But it was a bit too difficult to quickly move the barrels around in the later levels so I had to give up. The restart taking too long and having to spam click to attack was also a bit frustrating. Finally, I see no reason for having to press E to pick up the arm. Minor critiques aside, a very solid entry. Great job and keep it up!

I chose poorly... 🔫

That was fun, love it when games set up a ridiculous premise and go all in (hehe) on it. It was fun how the positioning of the cards actually mattered. Very fast twitch based gameplay! I got kinda lucky in the end and could solve almost everything with fire. Burn goose burn!

Fun and quite original! Loved the spritework with wobble animations. Would have been nice if you didn't have to necessarily kill all the enemies to continue. Bonus points for having an actual boss battle. Shame about the audio breaking, you can try asking around on the jam Discord server how to fix that. Keep it up!

That was great. I love how silly the premise is and the variety in level goals/mechanics is fun. Wouldn't change a thing about it.

The theme isn't very visible but was definitely an important inspiration! Copy paste from another reply: "Most upgades have an upside and a downside. Putting it in the x3 slot triples the upsides, but also the downsides. Idem for the x2 and x1 slot."

Thanks for playing!

Thank you! The upgrades are given every few waves! We didn't really have time to make that clear to the player.

Thanks! I got a fix for the restart bug and some other stuff but I feel like it would be cheating to update the game before the rating period is over. The bugs are part of it for now!

Thanks for playing! Personally I definitely want to add some more stuff to the game that would differentiate it from the rest of the genre, so many ideas. You can follow the game on itch if you'd like to receive updates!

To clarify, our 3-2-1 theme interpretation is implemented in the way the gems multiply your bonusses. Most upgades have an upside and a downside. Putting it in the x3 slot triples the upsides, but also the downsides. Idem for the x2 and x1 slot. We didn't really find a way to emphasize this because we had so much other stuff to build! Should have just put a text intro explaining that before the game starts haha.

The UI indicator on the cubes is great! Nice job. The lighting change makes it much easier to drop everything in the right position.

I'd like to clarify that there were no performance issues before, although I'm sure some people can run the game more smoothly with post processing turned off. It's just the spheres moving choppily when dragging them. I think it's something to do with the way the physics system interacts with how you are setting the position of the sphere to the mouse position. Hard to say! You should be able to find some tutorials on how to smoothly drag physics object using the mouse.

Magic Survival! Wow I can't believe someone else played that game haha. That's the first of these kind of games that I played before Vampire Survivors made it hip on PC. Technically this entry is only half of that genre since you have to actually aim and shoot yourself but it's definitely inspired by those games, including Brotato as well. Thanks for the kind words!

As for the amount of ratings... people seem to like our cover art and we have 2 people playing and commenting on a lot of other submissions. Which is like "advertising" but in a constructive way. I genuinly love playing other people's creations and encouraging them. I honestly never had this much comments on a gamejam submission before! If you like getting lots of feedback I can recommend participating in Ludum Dare 54, 29th of september. Last time I participated (granted, a long time ago) I got lots of constructive reviews despite having only made a small game!

(1 edit)

That's not really a trap! As long as you could work on what you wanted then you had a succesful game jam :)

I'd also like to say it definitely was still cozy! That's why I kept playing. Some of the interactions were a bit frustrating but still satisfying to do. I was simply enjoying the vibes of the sound, music and visuals along the way.

Seems like this is something you've got bigger plans for! I like the grappling hook and wallrun, hopefully you can execute on your vision by adding dialog and levels as you said. The illustrations are really well done! Good luck and keep it up.

Dang, how hasn't anyone else played this yet? Your cover art slaps! That lil' city planner guy looks funny as hell.

Tried my best but couldn't quite get enough money to win. I did have enough population. It's fun to plan out your city layout although I never figured out how factories work exactly. When I added factories my money went into the negatives! Are you supposed to put them next to residential in spite of what the tutorial guy says?

Also props for adding a tutorial. It didn't explain all the game's rules but laid the groundwork to at least get started.

Don't forget since your game is made in Unity you can make a webgl build! A lot more people will play your game if they can play in the browser and don't have to download.

We're all happy campers here. Happy to build, happy to play, happy to comment :) I love game jams

Hey I remember this sad little feller from the Discord! Now I know why he's so sad... 🧨

I liked the puzzles and the portal mechanic, and the gameplay is original. There's a few bugs in here, visual and reset related, but I managed to finish the game regardless. With a few more mechanics you could make quite complicated puzzles for this. Keep it up!

What an interesting game! It's really fun to see the AI do long combo's. I noticed how the circles turn white when they are ready to attack. It would be nice if the circles only charge up when they're close to the AI player. This would make it easier to dodge their attacks until your own dash is ready, instead of instantly getting charged when you get close.

The puns in the description are much appreciated. I have to admire the originality of this game and rate it dashing out of sexy. Also even if it is another timer based game it feels like a unique application of the theme.