The page with rules has kind of confusing formatting including not a clear heading(s) and not used capital first letter at the beginnings of the beginning sentences. I learned the term "shocks" to be used in a journalism context. Wow.
I like the theme!:)
But there aree really serious flaws:
Jobs have no limits, so I could use my IRL job of being a Grandmaser (!) which would be geving me bonuses to all rolls. (I would be not abusing the freedom, although I tend to be a powerplayer.) Also more skills can be combined, see? (I even know what a skills synergy is :)) ).
There is noted "Yes, and" approcah while there should be also "Yes, but" and "No, and / but" according to the 2d6 (+ Job + Skill) rolling results.
There is nor PCs level uping!:( This lack of development is indeed downgrading the game as a TTRPG.
There is meantioned that the stories can change somenting and that PCs can get money, but there are no rules for either of that features nor for the city development :(.
Excuse me please, but in this state of the game, I am not open to playtest it.
Rating: 2/5