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It's really good, I played for a while but it's very long! I'm surprised you managed to do so mush in two weeks.

The movement felt pretty good, but I feel like some acceleration/friction would make it feel way better. Right now it feels like you go from 0% to 100% speed in one frame. Also, I think some animation blending would make the game feel even better.

I was a little confused with the goblins at first, I didn't realize they throw the bouncy stuff, so I just evaded them, but once I figured it out, I thought they weren't enemies at all and ended up getting hit, and correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think the blue things in the ceiling hurt you so that's a little inconsistent. At the end of the day, for the goblins I just waited for them to shoot and tapped a direction for a second.

The puzzle in the middle was a little out of place imo, maybe because it took me way to long to realize some wall can be hidden with the potions while other not, and they look pretty similar. Maybe instead of those walls it could have a thick layer of the purple smoke?

And finally, the post-processing was nice, maybe you went a little to hard with the depth of field. Also, the character got really blurry when moving, was that motion blur?

Overall I enjoyed it a lot! Definitely one of the most polished games from the jam I've played so far. Good job!

Movement 100% agree, already have a solid list of things to improve here.

You are the 1st person to tell me that plants projectiles and goblins potions are inconsistant with the damage! That is such a good point, thank you! Gotta have to figure it out!

For the puzzle - at the begining all the shadows were solid like these in the puzzle but I turned of the mesh renderer for all except for the puzzle (so it covers the solution), definitely gotta change it in the future so its more consistant and clear what to do!

Yep... motion blur was too much :P
About the post processing overall it definitely will need lots of playtests to come up with the sweet spot for the default options but making them adjustable in the settings would be prolly a good solution.

Thank you very much for playing and the feedback!