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Lumina NoctisView game page

Escape the ancient shadow-infested ruins
Submitted by Denji, medikalsakrifice, luccaspg, Casual, DinoDoggie โ€” 2 hours, 26 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Artistic Style#16552.5002.500

Ranked from 2 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous and shown in a random order.

  • The game was fine. The puzzles were fun. I wasn't sure why I was taking damage. That was probably discussed and I just overlooked it. But that being said, it should be a bit more obvious why I'm taking damage. When taking damage, you should be telling the player with the visuals what to avoid. Good job on the jam. Congrats on this achievement!
  • Your game showed an interesting implementation of light vs shadow and a unique way of implementing the theme. The gameplay was very limited. If there are multiple potions implemented, there were not sufficient instructions on how to access them. The game also seemed to lack progression and be more of a tech demo. Your GDD is great at picking from different sources for inspiration but could do with more fleshing out. Second note: I found that I was caught in a bug where hitting continue rather than new game brought you to the wrong area. I have replayed a bit and the platforming was quite fun. I have updated the rating accordingly.

Did you include your Game Design Document as a Google Drive link?

Seriously... did you include your Game Design Document?

Is your game set to Public so we can see it?

Tell us about your game!
Use light potion to disable shadows and navigate through the cave, unlock secondary potion (s?)

WSAD - Move
Space - Jump
LMB - Fire Primary
RMB - Fire Secondary

Extra Notes
It wasn't easy

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This was a lot of fun! I like the primary mechanic of dispelling the shadows!


Thank you!


Wow just when I kept thinking "Okay this must be the end" the game just kept going and offering so much more content and new mechanics. The portal 2 influence is very clear and very well re-imagined for this title.

Let me just quickly pass over the negatives of the game (very few).

The sound mixing was weird. The character audio was really low but then the goblin audio was really high. It just felt a bit unbalanced in some places. It wasn't a huge issue or really soured my enjoyment of the game just made me think "huh the sound is a little weird". Especially when you hit the goblin with light and it goes "ooh" is it supposed to be entranced by the light or something? Haha.

Anyways the graphics were great, a little stale with the same environment used throughout but given it's a gamejam it's not unexpected. The character and goblin designs were cool and I liked how well communicated everything was with their obvious colours and shapes. I really enjoyed bouncing around and navigating the levels and the cauldron checkpoints were a great touch especially later when I died a few times. I felt like the alchemy/mixing mechanic was a little under used to be honest. It was a nice surprise but maybe having the game open with a similar one to get the light potion would have been cool.

Unlocking my own bouncing potion afterwards was really fun and opened things up a lot. It felt a little glitchy sometimes where the character wouldn't throw the potion for some reason but for the most part it worked great! I especially loved the velocity/bounce height mechanic you guys did, it worked really well.

I liked that you included some cut/unfinished stuff at the end showing the eventual red potion and speed mechanics. Again it's all very portal coded but there's nothing wrong with that.

Overall I had a really fun time with this game it would be nice to see where it goes if you decide to keep developing it after the jam and I'd love to revisit it if you do.


Oh wow! A lot of stuff to go through!

First of all thank you very much for playing an leaving such a massive review!

Portal 2? Never heard of it! 

Saddly sound was implemented on the last day so unfortunately there was not much room for adjusting volumes... And yes! Entranced by the light is the best description for that interaction!

The alchemy mixing mechanic is definetely lacking... It was supposed to be a little different, more interactive (more fun?) but that is all I could do during the jam time.

Also light potion crafting at the begining was planned for the mvp+ version (all at the bottom of gdd) which saddly did not happen.

Again thank you very much! Feels awesome to read through well written constructive and flattering comments!


The game was very decent!

Honestly, the goblin throwing sticky potions mechanic and using them to jump around was pretty fun. They also make funny noises so I enjoyed that. There were times when I was a little confused about where to go, but the movement itself worked well. Great submission friends, and best of luck!


Thank you for playing!

Yep definetely I've failed with level design and guiding players eye in some places, gotta work on it a little more.

I am really glad you enjoyed Goblins!


It's really good, I played for a while but it's very long! I'm surprised you managed to do so mush in two weeks.

The movement felt pretty good, but I feel like some acceleration/friction would make it feel way better. Right now it feels like you go from 0% to 100% speed in one frame. Also, I think some animation blending would make the game feel even better.

I was a little confused with the goblins at first, I didn't realize they throw the bouncy stuff, so I just evaded them, but once I figured it out, I thought they weren't enemies at all and ended up getting hit, and correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think the blue things in the ceiling hurt you so that's a little inconsistent. At the end of the day, for the goblins I just waited for them to shoot and tapped a direction for a second.

The puzzle in the middle was a little out of place imo, maybe because it took me way to long to realize some wall can be hidden with the potions while other not, and they look pretty similar. Maybe instead of those walls it could have a thick layer of the purple smoke?

And finally, the post-processing was nice, maybe you went a little to hard with the depth of field. Also, the character got really blurry when moving, was that motion blur?

Overall I enjoyed it a lot! Definitely one of the most polished games from the jam I've played so far. Good job!


Movement 100% agree, already have a solid list of things to improve here.

You are the 1st person to tell me that plants projectiles and goblins potions are inconsistant with the damage! That is such a good point, thank you! Gotta have to figure it out!

For the puzzle - at the begining all the shadows were solid like these in the puzzle but I turned of the mesh renderer for all except for the puzzle (so it covers the solution), definitely gotta change it in the future so its more consistant and clear what to do!

Yep... motion blur was too much :P
About the post processing overall it definitely will need lots of playtests to come up with the sweet spot for the default options but making them adjustable in the settings would be prolly a good solution.

Thank you very much for playing and the feedback!


Finally completed the game, it was really nice! I am getting a huge callback throwback to Portal 2's paint, and that was very fun. The momentum feel nice and smooth, the level design is on point, the game was surprising long, I never would had though that people could do so much in such a short amount of time.

The only bit I found a little frustrated was that sometimes the bouncy goo doesn't spring me back to the correct height, and I died quite a lot of times in that all bounce section. But other than that there isn't much for me to complaint.

Overall this is a game well done!


Portal was a clear inspiration for that game ๐Ÿ˜

The bounce denial is a known issue... sorry about that
1. If you buffer the jump before hitting the bounce pad character will just jump instead of bouncing
2. If you get hit by the plants projectile that are falling from the cieling you lose the momentum
3. Prolly some other random bug that I do not know about yet ๐Ÿ˜…


I had so much fun with this one, great work. Great progression, having the player learn the preplaced bounce pads and focus on their light, and then unlocking the bounce potions. It captured that same kind of excitement of finally getting to shoot both portals in Portal. And the red potion at the end was a lot of fun, Id love to see it implemented in a bigger version. I could really see this expanding into a great 3D platformer, you have a fantastic start here. And way to do it in two weeks! Impressive and fun.


Thank you!
Tried my best to introduce the player gradually to the mechanics but also pretty fast as it is a game jam so I am glad that you enjoyed the pace๐Ÿ˜
If only I had more time for level design then the red one would be implemented at least as environmental piece (not throwable yet).

Thank you very much for playing and the feedback!


Very nicely made for two weeksโ€™ time! I like the vibe, and I was impressed to see a level as long as the one you made! The mechanics work and feel pretty nice, and it was neat getting to see what could have been made as a reward for completing the game! My only complaint would be that turning the camera feels really stiff and almost seems to bug out the character. Once I got used to it, I was able to enjoy the game.

Great job!


I was wondering what 'bug out the character' meant... blur... Yeah sorry about that, I wanted to make game look a little better and went to far with post processing ๐Ÿ˜…
About the camera feeling stiff - defenietly gonna have to take a look at it. Since it is kind of a TPS but platformer making it feeling responsive but also smooth is a hard task to do ๐Ÿ˜

I am very glad you enjoyed the level design and a 'reward' ๐Ÿ˜
Thank you very much for playing the game and the feedback!


This game is fun, and very much enjoyed the visuals and sound too! I really liked how you basically turn an enemies attacks into a tool. It also felt really good once you got the blue potion and went back to the prior area with the same tool as earlier, but always available--felt like a good victory lap! Also loved the crystals--super helpful for keeping track and not getting lost!

Some other things if y'all continue to work on this:

  • Continue is bugged (already mentioned by others)
  • Also can't go back to main menu and really replay, need to refresh
  • Sometimes it feels like bounces get 'eaten' for no reason? Like I'll have height and then land on the blue potion but won't get as much height, definitely good to fix because that can be frustrating for the player
  • If you spam light potions at the enemies/goblins it seems like they start gliding around in a circle. It's actually a bit fun to make that happen--maybe as a stretch goal in the future it'd be fun for the enemies to be physics ragdolls? :)
  • I was a little lost at the part with multiple cauldrons, but I'm not sure if there's a good way to make it clearer and still rewarding. Beforehand it didn't seem like there were parts where you had to clear that sludge, at least from what I remember (most of the time it's clearing the dark smoke), so maybe just having another part like that? Not 100% sure if there's really a problem here but that was just my experience with it

Really great work!


Thank you for playing first of all!
I am very glad you like the level design,  it was very intentionall that you gotta have to navigate through interconnected cave (but hard to do more during a gamejam) and navigation crystals were the last minute addition to the game ๐Ÿ˜ so happy they helped!

For the bugs and improvements:
- Yeah... menus broke โ˜น๏ธ
- Bounces get eaten
if you get hit by the plant projectile ๐Ÿ˜… (rare but happens, gotta fix it)
- Spinning goblin? Ofc its a feature! (ragdolls could be a very cool addition if the combat is added)
- 100% the puzzle can be improved (originaly all the shadows were like this ๐Ÿ˜…) but the change caused them to be transparent which would not work with the puzzle... so yeah gotta figure out a new puzzle but I am glad you have figured it out!

Thanks for the awesome feedback!


Very nice entry! Using alchemy to dispel shadows fits the theme of the jam to a T and the basic story setup at the beginning doesn't overstay its welcome while also providing a reason everything is happening and a concrete goal.

I do think that how the movement feels could use some polish. Especially having 100% full control of air movement feels pretty jarring to me. I could be wrong, but I also feel like the player character lacks acceleration and deceleration. I would like to recommend a really good GMTK video on this subject called "Why Does Celeste Feel So Good To play?"

I'm also not a huge fan of waiting for a projectile to almost hit you so you can use it to reach new areas, at least not as a fairly major mechanic. I feel it does overstay its welcome in this game. But this could definitely just be a personal preference thing.

I loved the way parts of the level were designed to bend in on itself at points. Looking around and recognizing areas nearby that you had been before is a great way to feel like you're making progress as a player. I also loved the cartoony aesthetic and unique character design.

Overall, I feel this game has some kinks to work out, but with some work I feel this game could end up being something very cool.

Good work, and good luck in the jam!


Thank you very much!
100% agree with the movement polish, all points are on my list and the GMTK video will be usefull for sure!

About waiting for the projectile (lots of players found this part annoying) it needs to be adjusted... maybe by the throw rate of the enemy maybe by the level design or maybe some other clever way that I still have to figure out.

I am glad you liked the level design and found the theme implementation fitting.

Thanks again for the solid feedback!


Good responsive controls. Simple yet fun idea. Throwing the potions feels intuitive, I easily hit my targets after a few practice shots.

Performance was an issue for me, the game was lagging a quite a bit. Not so bad I couldn't play it but noticably still. Maybe cutting the area into smaller pieces would help or offloading stuff further from the player.



We have planned to use various ways like occlusion cooling and object pooling to improve the performance but saddly we did not have enough time...


Well done! I like the movement mechanics and to be quick on your feet to throw the potions with good timing, feels like you could become really fast with practice. Maybe a dash/slide or something so you could keep some forward momentum would have been great as well.

Only thing I dislike is that I got one shot by the wall over and over again and I barely grazed it, annoying.

Well done overall, you guys should be proud!


With more potions there could come more mechanics  ;) (like speed, walljumps, etc.) so dash/slide could be one of them if the project will be worked on!

Yeah... more lenience with the hitboxes would defenietly improve the game feel - I will look into that for sure!

Thank you for the feedback and I am glad you have enjoed it!


Itโ€™s quite an interesting idea!

Jumps feel really satisfying to do. Although I wish there was a shadow or another sort of indication of where youโ€™ll land, because the flat color of the terrain doesnโ€™t help with depth perception.

I also wish you could disable motion blur. It plus playing in browser makes the game feel a little too laggy.

Overall, great job!


Thank you!

Both very valid points!

Blur was added to make the game a little more interesting visually (but I guess it can be too much ๐Ÿ˜…)

Definitely level needs to be polished a lot moreso it is not just flat colors and the stronger shadow could be an awesome solution for subtle landing indicator.


really cool concept and implementation of the theme!

gameplay is fun the and jump pads are very satisfying, there are some bugs I encountered where I got stuck between rocks and couldn't move, and where I just climbed a rock and got teleported back to the starting place, that was pretty annoying.

I also feel you could have made the atmosphere more menacing and dark and that would go well with the audio track, also I don't know if that intentional but the character is a bit blurred when jumping.

when you press continue I think i get someone else's progress, since I played for the first time.

overall I really liked it and I feel like there is a lot of potential here for a cool game, consider adding a time element like something chasing you (creature or a toxic gas or something)


Ohh if you could provide a screen of where you did get stuck that would be great (I was looking for those!), it is caused buy the unity's built in characterController - gotta get rid of it in the future.
Teleported back to the starting place? If you mean checkpoint then you prolly lost all yours hp, but if you literally mean starting place that means the checkpoint has wrong respawn point... gonna have to figure out which one it is then (thought I checked all of them)

Continue is bugged saddly :(

Thanks for playing!


I don't enjoy being thrown into a Fullscreen game. But the game is great for how it turned out.


I enjoyed this quite a bit, the character and some of the gameplay reminded me of Kingdom Hearts. 3D gameplay is not easy in the course of two weeks, just getting the camera and jumps all sorted out must have taken so much time. Would love to see what you could accomplish in another two weeks! Keep up the good work!


Thank you!
I am really gald you enjoyed playing it!

For sure those two weeks were chaotic and all of the content had to be cut :(
But maybe you will have a chance to see what can be accomplished with a little more work put into this project ;)


I love your character design, your little alchemist is so damn cool. The game was a lot of fun to play, although in my opinion a little harsh; I would appreciate a few more checkpoints, or a little more lenience when touching the black mist (shadows?). The game felt really nice, with movement and jumping all good, and I liked having to use the enemies to throw the jump pad gel thingy where you needed it. All in all well done you guys :)


Thank you!!!
Balancing amount of checkpoint will prolly require us to have a little more playtest hours which we didn't have much time to do ๐Ÿ˜…
The shadows/mist I agree 100% (before it was just a solid with smoke particles but I disabled the mesh so it looked more like shadow and that caused a problem of no clear indicator of its range) gonna have to figure out a better indicator of its range.

I am really glad that you liked the movement and enemy interaction mechanic!


Unique concept!

I love seeing some movement based game with this theme,

and general art style is very stylish and casual. With some juicy interaction feedbacks, I can see more people enjoying this game.

As a feedback, I think movements can be a little more generous. It was hard to gain momentum for jump heights, and some coyote time for jump registration would make first-time-players get hooked more easily. (Though I might be skill issueing hard haha.)

Love the game, keep up the great work!


If only we had more time (and testers) to test the game ๐Ÿ˜
Actually there is a coyote time but I guess it is too short... (also jump buffering is implemented๐Ÿ˜‰)

Would love to know what do you mean by momentum for jump heights ๐Ÿ˜ now it works like this - The higher you jump from the higher you get bounced back (around the same height)

Thanks for playing!
Appreciate the feedback


I wasn't expecting to get hooked on this, but I did. The movement feels really familiar and predictable, which is great when jumping from place to place in rapid succession. Loved the preview of the red potion at the end. Hopefully you continue building on what you've got. Great job!


Glad you got hooked and enjoyed the movement - personally I also think that for the jam it is good enough ๐Ÿ˜

So you did 'finish' it! I wish we had more time so I could make use of the red one ๐Ÿ˜
I think imma keep working on the game.

Thank you for playing!


I'm definitely interested in knowing what your plans are for green and purple :D Red + Blue seems like it'd be a crazy combo.