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Wow the pixel art and character design for this game is off the charts amazing. The mixing system is super interesting too.

Although I got super confused at first because even after reading the instructions in the game and on the game page I still couldn't figure out what the hell I was supposed to do. I just did random mixtures until I realised there was a sigil specifically for bottling the potion to use it and you had to combine the elements first THEN bottle it to use.

I really like the combination system but I don't get why bottling it has to be integrated like that, I feel like it should just be separate and take from a limited number of bottles per round or something. Having it as a sigil SUPER confused me.

Regardless once I figured it out the game became super easy haha. Just pump everything into death as much as possible and heal as much as you can if you need to. Chuck some poison on there round 1 if you can too to make it a little easier. I'd be very keen to see where this went given more complex battles and combinations.

As I said at the top the pixel art is fantastic I love everything from the menus / UI / characters / environments. It's all fantastic and the character designs are so cool!

The music is pretty intense too, when the "HEEEEEEYAAAAAAAH" kicked in I was like "okay okay I see where we're going with these vibes" very cool stuff.

I'd be keen to revisit the game in the future if you plan to do any updates after the jam. The system and art are really cool but once you figure out how the crafting works it kinda loses all strategy and you can just dumb-brain attack/heal as needed.

Still I had a ton of fun with the game and managed to beat all the fights no problem. Give me more!

Thanks so much for playing!  We have big plans eventually there will be 4 colors of prima materia to match the 4 stages of alchemy, we have 20+ sigils with proposed effects and names identified  we need to code into the game.  Stones will be permanent potions, and enemy ai right now is extremely basic.  A tutorial is also going to be necessary!  We plan on participating in the improve my game jam, and will probably push a large update for that.  The bottling feedback is also on our to do list, I was hoping eventual bottle could be an effect of potions or stones (like an extra buy in the game dominion) but we need to move it to the apparatus for now so the game is more intuitive.