The details are what make the difference. I think that one of the other drawbacks you face as a “newer” dev (and I mean that as it’s your first project) is that this is your first project. Right now there are a lot of games being abandoned and that puts a lot of fear in people getting behind not only unfinished games, but unproven devs.
I don’t want to step out of line with offering advice, since I don’t know you or your plan for this game… but honestly, if this was my game and I was where you were in the story. My goal would be to get through what you have done for day 6 and then start moving towards coming to a conclusion to the stalker storyline. Wrap that up with a late night on day 7 or so. Then end it with day 8 being an epilogue and some good end scenes with the girl(s) of your choice.
The way I look at it, once you get over 6-8 hours of content, you can start feeling like it’s enough for a game of this nature. I believe you already have that or close enough that you will get there for sure.
My logic is that earning that “completed” tag is worth it’s weight in gold. Even more so when you stick the landing on the ending. It shows you can finish your task and earns that credibility for your next project.
Now don’t get me wrong.. I love your game. I love your characters. I want a ton more from them in the future… but, that doesn’t mean you can’t continue anything you have in mind story wise going forward to part 2 - Fall Scent with MC and the girls in an apartment starting college.