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Just gave your game a try and was very confused at first. I skimmed the description but it took me a minute to find a combination that actually did damage (found the fire trail first and kept doing that to survive).

After 2 rounds, one of just running flailing and dying, and a second of finding some success with the fire trail spell, I went back and fully read your description and also your GDD to see what I was missing. Knowing that you did this in just 7 hours is very impressive!

If I could suggest just 1 improvement, some form of tutorial would have been very useful. It wasn't until after I read the GDD that I realized I could double up on the same element for spells which makes sense now that I know it, but when I was trying out combos it never even crossed my mind to try.

This is the bones of something cool! I hope you keep working on it.

Thanks for the feedback. Doing tutorials is tough for me, because personally I just hate them, I ragequit so many games because they had a way too lengthy tutorial that held your hand for too long, but still I should somehow tell the player in game what they can do and what they are supposed to do. 

I plan to make more games like this, I enjoyed playing around with the lights a lot, The shadows don't really take damage technically, they are killed when they touch a lightsource, so fireball, firewall, or the torches on the map. My biggest issue with the abilities is that some are too cheesable lol.