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(7 edits)

Nah, RPG Maker costs 100$ already, and the complete pack of Yanfly's plugins which includes countless plugins costs only 30$ and even less in sales times so you get my point? If you could buy RPG Maker then you can buy packs of plugins. πŸ˜‰

If I show a random girl on the street my dick, she'll do one of two things:
- Laugh
- Run and scream in terror.

Sorry, I couldn't help myself and I can't stop laughing my ribs off! 🀣

I never heard of the people and the things you mentioned, care to explain? 😏

I will quote a movie about optimism which has been my favorite movie ever for a time: "Two wolves are fighting each other. One is optimistic and hopeful whereas the other is pessimistic and desperate. Which one will defeat the other? The one that you choose to feed." πŸ˜‰

Neither do I and yet we are speaking english, you made your game in english and I will make my games in english, because there is no such thing as a non-english speaking country as explained there 😏:

Either you buy what you need from people during development so you don't have to share your income with them when you sell your games either you put together a small team dedicated to making games together and then you don't need to pay them during development because you will share income fairly among the team when you sell your games. πŸ˜‰

Yeah, I got you, you can't bear to owe anything to anyone, you hold onto your independence for dear life, which I can respect, however remain careful to not turn self-centered either as I warned you, remain open to others because we are all parts of the same world, that's one more thing that you should never forget, trust me. πŸ˜‰

So? What are the basics that you learned from making Empty-66822?

True, everyone has their own flaws, however not everyone is equally flawed and Japan is so much flawed that it is astonishing that it even functions at all as this self-destructing culture should already have collapsed.

The sad thing is that I've barely played games for about a decade now.

And this is your worst mistake because you basically forgot why you wanted to make games in the first place because you forgot that you are a player before being a games-maker, you should NEVER stop playing games even while you are developing your own because you should NEVER forget why you love games to begin with!

Here, play this to take a break from your issues and to remind yourself why you love games, this is the game that I am currently playing because playing your game reminded me of it since I already played it a few years ago and I have been ITCHING to share it with you and I held back because I didn't want to influence you with another game but you know what? CURSE IT because you NEED to remind yourself that you are a player before being a games-maker so here you go, take it and play it!πŸ˜‰

And I'm gonna gift you my favorite RPG Maker game so far as well and since I bought it for you, as in I spent some of my limited money just to gift this game to you, then you owe me to play and enjoy it as I wish, to repay your imposed debt to me because you can't stand to owe anything to anyone, can you? I got you as I told you so now you have to play and enjoy my gift as you owe it to me. πŸ˜ΌπŸ˜‰

There you go, you already got 2 games to play and there is only 1 thing left for you to do now: Enjoy them! πŸ˜‰

Wait, your job is having sex with you on fixed hours and you get paid a fixed monthly salary? Do you have a boss who pays you to masturbate? Are you a cam-sex-worker or something? πŸ€”

You have no idea which kind of games you want to play? Then how about which games did you enjoy the most playing? πŸ˜‰

And since it has been a long time since you got excited about any games then which games did get you excited in the past?

Reality disappointed your expectations and you have grown sour and pessimistic, always assuming that everything can only disappoint you and therefore that nothing is worth your attention and your time. Then under these conditions, things can only exceed your expectations since you always expect the worst from everything, nothing can disappoint you anymore, then you are under the conditions to appreciate everything and you only need to try things now. Depression doesn't make everything awful, it only makes you expect only awful things and all that it takes to defeat this mental prison is to not expect anything at all and take things as they come.πŸ˜‰

Then you don't actually want to tell any story if all that you want to tell is "an incoherent mess". What is even the point? πŸ€”

But hey, tell you what, since you actually want to make an incoherent mess, then how about using my theory of alternate realities mixing up together into an incoherent mess that I came up with while playing your game for me to make some sense into your incoherent mess, which would let you make the incoherent mess that you want to make and actually justify it with a story which actually makes some sense? And if you are more into dark fantasy than science-fiction then you could just adapt my original scientific theory of multiverse experiments going wrong with a dark ritual to summon an eldritch entity from another realm which connected parallel realms together and they are mixing up into a chaotic mess and there you go, that works as well so how about it? πŸ˜‰

Well. Now I'm obviously gonna play this games. You've put me in a difficult position.... Thank you.

I never heard of the people and the things you mentioned, care to explain?

Google can explain it better than I can. But overall a very fun game. Especially the third part.

Wait, your job is having sex with you on fixed hours and you get paid a fixed monthly salary? Do you have a boss who pays you to masturbate? Are you a cam-sex-worker or something?

Well. I'm exaggerating, of course. It's just that I'm working here, wasting my time and nerves. Any job is an exchange of time for money, but mine just doesn't want me to have any free time at all it seems... and don't want to pay me at all... I've put the demo I was talking about on the shelf for now. Going to β€œREMAKE” EMPTY. Not sure how long that will take. Hopefully, a reasonable amount of time.

Hey, what are friends for if not to put you into difficult positions to get you out of your comfort zone which has grown into your prison and make you discover new things? πŸ˜‰

I am still playing Titans of Illumia so if you want to share our experiences playing it, I suggest you start with it then keep Ouroboros for next, I might even play it again at the same time as you so we might share our experiences playing it as well. πŸ˜‰

Google can explain nothing as I thoroughly boycott it, I search with Ecosia. πŸ˜‰ But since you are the one who introduced this topic into the discussion, then you are the one who has to explain it. 😏

If you do not enjoy your job, then you better not waste any more of your limited lifetime for an activity which means nothing to you so you can dedicate your limited lifetime left to things which actually mean something to you. As Confucius stated it: "Choose a job that you enjoy doing and then you will not have to work a single day of your life." πŸ˜‰

Any job is an exchange of time for money

Did you actually watch the movie Time Out as I suggested you? πŸ˜‰

If you are waiting to have free time then you will waste your life waiting because time doesn't give itself on its own, you have to actively take it yourself and you have it only when you are determined to take it. 😼

If you do not enjoy your job and it doesn't even reward you for putting up with it then why are you even wasting your time and energy with it if it only takes from you and gives you nothing in return? πŸ€”

My offer still stands, I will assist you in remaking your first game as best as I can. πŸ˜‰