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Promise kept. Eye-focus posted. As an aside, the examples given in this post are not encouraging. Evermore is essentially abandoned, and Ripples artist seems to be growing tired of the assholery of the free masses. Seems to be friendly with the Sad Crab guys though, which, while parts of that game are very good, at the time I first found it, Innocent Witches was a masterclass on how not to do a rework.

Thanks for posting it! You're right, Evermore got abandoned a few days after I posted this, even before the dev was able to publish the rework for it. Not necessarily encouraging, but let's not get superstitious.

It's possible that I am too optimistic about reworks. The thing is, if I were the dev, I'd try to go for it at some point because I want my work to stand on its own, without it being accused of it being overly derivative. On the other hand, who are those people that make this a dealbreaker? Do I really want to cater to them? And yeah, there's always the risk of a rework making things worse. I dont know what the best choice is, this is a decision that only the dev can make. Fingers crossed.

I'm pinging you right now because the dev mistakenly responded to my post instead of yours, here you go: