Found a bug where you mash spacebar during the tutorial and the game will go ultra slow mo.
I love the art style and colors you used for the page and game, pretty fun gameplay loop too!
I would like to be able to move horizontally mid-air, or for the platforms to stop moving while you're stomping. Currently, you have only a fraction of a second to react to spikes and it feels pretty out of nowhere at times.
Adding to the last point (pun intended), it feels strange when upwards facing spikes kill you even when you're rising.
I also think spikes should appear earlier, as they only appear when things are moving quickly, so you don't get much time to get accustomed to such an important gameplay element, not to mention the huge difficulty spike (pun also intended) as it's very easy without the spikes.
I think if these were changed, I would enjoy it a lot more, but it is your game so feel free to disagree with anything I just said. Please don't take this as "I don't like your game", I think it's a lot of fun! I just like to point out (ok fine I'll stop with the spike puns) every issue I have with the games I play, so you can make the game more polished in any potential updates :)
Wow, thank you so much for the detailed feedback! (And don't worry, I don't take it that way! Feedback and criticism is great for improving things, and I'll definitely be using this in a post-jam update)
I agree about the spikes and their implementation being a tad off. They were added fairly close to the deadline so I couldn't polish them as much as I would've liked, but I'll definitely take all of your suggestions for the post-jam update! Like making it to where the spikes can't hurt you until you're actually on the ground instead of while you're rising, making them appear sooner, etc. It's all really helpful stuff and I appreciate this detailed comment! And thank you for playing the game :)