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Psychic Chicken

A member registered Mar 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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This looks really really nice, though my main issue is that the environment (floors, walls, etc.) are about as bright as important gameplay elements like enemies and projectiles, hurting readability and making hazards not stand out enough. This can be fixed, though.

This was super difficult, but fun! The effects look really juicy, audio is nice, and the difficulty is high but makes it a lot more engaging and replayable. Well done!

Only complaint I have is there doesn't seem to be any reason to stop shooting, so I think the shoot button is unnecessary.

I got this far on my 3rd attempt (the difficulty gets absolutely bonkers, lol).

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I think this is my favorite entry so far! The lasso mechanic and secret enemies really helped keeping the gameplay fresh, and the aesthetic is unique and cool. Love the music!

I also liked the map design and overall retro feel to the game. It does a really good job at playing like a retro game.

Some of the rooms (especially with the rocket enemy) felt  a little cheap and you just get hit immediately after entering the door. I'm not sure if it's intentional, but I guess it does make it feel more true to its retro style.

It's difficult to shoot diagonally while standing still since the movement affects your aim and there's no way to strafe while shooting or anything like that.

Also, I'm not sure if the triple shots have much of an impact on the gameplay. The player is slow enough that I found it very unlikely for me to get hit by any of the outer bullets, and when I get to use the triple shot myself, there's only 1 enemy per room so I'm really just using the middle bullet. All the other projectile types were really fun, though!

Thanks! Yeah, I wish I would have spent a bit more time making things more readable.

Thanks for the crash report! I must have missed that since I didn't test the tutorial very much after adding a lot of stuff to the game on the last day.

Turns out, it's because the tutorial is setting your aim direction to "right" whenever it resets your position because of outdated code. When I added more aiming directions, I decided it would be more clean and flexible to use a value for the direction instead of using 4 different words, so it's trying to set your aim direction in the old way of using a word, but it crashes because it's reading a word as if it's a number.

I fixed it now. I'm not sure if I'll ever make a post-jam version, but if I do, it will come with the fix :)

I haven't played this genre of games before, but it was fun! On my winning run, I was already at 1 HP around 5 minutes in, and had to get all the water shield upgrades to heal back, lol.

The runs are pretty long, and I felt like the game was getting easier as I leveled up. Maybe the game could be shorter, or there could be bosses to shake things up (I know the jam deadline is the reason for the lower enemy variety, but I feel like the game could be a bit shorter in that case).

Also, the hitboxes are kind of off and there should be more visual/audio feedback for taking damage and losing shields.

I like all the upgrades and they were easy to understand, which is super important for a game jam entry imo.

It's hard to choose a rating since it's so different than all the other entries and it's more like a sandbox than a game, but it's neat! It's definitely good inspiration for survival/sandbox games and could easily be a great foundation for a full game :)

This game would probably be a lot more fun if I played with a second player, but it was still pretty fun fighting the CPUs. I was able to click fast enough to just mash left click and parry most shots though, lol. Also Double Pepperoni is S tier.
Cool game!

I saw some clips of this game on Discord, and it was the first one I wanted to try. The pixel art is nice and the animations for spawning, shooting, etc. are very fluid.

Although, the main issue for me is the layers of rng. You need to hope you don't go several screens without finding ammo, find lots of barrels, don't get softlocked by level gen, hope barrels and aliens drop anything at all, and even if they do, hope they drop what you want.

Sometimes deaths are unavoidable, and I think this could be fixed if there was some sort of system in place to guarantee the player finds both item types after a certain amount of enemy kills/barrel destructions. Overall though, really fun game!

A bit short, but the gameplay itself is great! I like the music too, fits really well.
I'm not sure if it's from my experience with the Streets of Rage games, but I found the floors to all be pretty easy to clear whilst taking little to no damage, although that's fine given it's a game jam and lots of people here are probably inexperienced with beat-em-ups.

The only issues I had was getting permanently frozen on my second run, and the punching ninja enemy hit me despite his entire arm being in front of me.

Cool game! Very difficult, but that's not a bad thing.
I like the way different people react to you differently, so you have to be strategic with who you chase after so you don't starve. The music and sfx fit perfectly too!

I think the only problem I had was how quickly people can swim away. It feels like you can't really do anything about it if a person happens to have a fast move speed and swims away.

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Really good game overall, I enjoyed the gameplay and the art/music is amazing too.

As for the issues:
-Confusing telegraphing. There's lots of bright flashing lights and dinging sounds for basic actions. This, on top of every move being so fast and the dodge being so short, makes the dodge ability feel like it's just "there", and I get by much easier by mashing my strongest attacks.
-Explosive teleport ability is a win button and you can mash it to infinitely juggle everyone, even The Goat.
-Too much reading. There are a lot of options to choose from, they all have long descriptions, and they branch off of each other which further complicates things. The font was also hard to read when you get the boss reward.
-I know I already mentioned the attacks being too fast, but I think it's really important. If the attacks were slower, you could have a lot more room for diversity (with some quicker attacks here and there), and it would be  at least a little more reasonable to react and dodge.
-I kept randomly teleporting to the edges of the arena with no animations or effects indicating why that was happening. Not sure why.
-It's hard to tell why enemies are or aren't being stunned. If the enemies have armor, I think it's important to have obvious visual ques to indicate it. If certain attacks do or don't stun, I think it should be explained to the player in some way or another.
-There didn't seem to be any way to escape combos, and when I respawned I didn't get teleported or give invincibility or anything like that, so sometimes I would lose 2 lives from 1 combo, lol.

If you do decide to make a post-jam version of the game, I'd definitely be interested! :)

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the game!
I hope you weren't disappointed when you found out the legendary upgrades replace each other though, lol. (I wanted the game to get progressively harder so you can't cheese it by stacking legendaries, but frag bullets are still game-breakingly OP anyway due to my lack of testing them...)

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Shelldon by Psychic Chicken (itch.io)
I didn't have time to balance everything, but it's a game focused on building your own gun.
I'll get to trying other people's games soon as well, I just need a break since it was so exhausting making my own game.


Thanks! I think the game could be a lot more polished and balanced if I spent more time on it, but I didn't want to burn myself out in the limited amount of time. And the art style was somewhat inspired by Bonanza Bros, which is my favorite Sega game, so I can see why it reminds you of Sega.

The visuals are super satisfying and polished, music is great and fits the gameplay well, gameplay is simple but fun, and the concept is creative too! Well done!

Main things I think should be changed though, is the button's distance from the mouse shouldn't be randomized, at least to this degree, since you can just click randomly and get lucky. And I also think the outlines should be a part of the clicking hitbox, but that's a small issue and might even be intentional.

I like it a lot! It's funny and enjoyable. My critique is that being able to smack your head into the top part of the pillar can feel pretty sudden, and the camera sometimes snaps into a random position, which is probably unintended.



Thanks! The jumps can be pretty tight due to the randomization as you said, but it's always possible. I agree it's too difficult. I tried to tweak it, but the game still sometimes pulls some nasty jumps.

I also added bats last second, so those might be a little unbalanced since I didn't spend as much time on them compared to everything else.