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Hello. Nice to meet you. I make physical games. TTRPGs and roll and write games mostly. Things you can play with a pen and paper. I am looking to meet people who are interested in making games.

  I do have an idea for a game. I made a pen and paper prototype and a pitch file. I  hope it intrests you.

  Rarity Investigates: The Case Of The Stolen Socks. It is a My Little Pony fan game. It would be NSFW. The plan is to have a variety of special scenes each one focusing on a different pony and fetish. Rainbow would be spanking. AJ mutial masturbation. Etc.

  I can do all of the writing, but music and visual art are not my strong suits. My goal is to make a MVP (minimum viable product) and once we have something to show people get other people to join the team. The goal of this project is to make a short game, but more importantly to make connections. 

  The game.

  You have 18 HP. If your HP reaches 0 you lose. You HP can not go above 18.

  You have 5 MP. Every time you use a spell you spend 1 MP. Your MP can not go above 5.


  You attack by rolling a D4 (a four sided die). You deal damage to the your opponent equel to the number you rolled. If you roll a 4 your opponent loses 4 HP. You defat your oppenents by reducing their HP to 0.

  You may spend 1 HP to re-roll one die (even if you rolled two dice).

  Defending. Instead of attacking or using a spell you can defend. When you defend you take 1 less damage and recover 1 MP.

  Parrying. When you defend you may spend 1 MP to roll a D4; if the number you roll is higher than (not equel to) your opponent's attack: Deal 2 damage to the opponent and take one less damage (two less total).

  You have spells in addition to your normal attack. Every spell requires you spend 1 MP to use it. You may only use one spell each round. Your spells are tied to the socks you are wearing. You have four hooves and can wear four different socks at one time. You can change your socks between stages, but not between battles.

  Spells with the (Attack) tag allow you to attack the same round you use the spell.

  Spells with the (Defend) tag allow you to defend the same round you use the spell, but you do not gain MP. You may still parry.

  Spells with the (Null) tag do not allow you to attack or defend the same round you use the spell.

  You can change your outfit between stages but not battles.

  You have one juice box each stage. You may drink your juice box between fights to either recover 5 HP or recover 2 HP an 2 MP. (Yes you can have a juice box in the arena and boss rush.)

  Act of Discord. Between rounds in a battle you may roll a D6 and apply the corresponing effect to yourself. You may gain disadvantage on your next roll to re-roll this die.

  1: -2 HP. 2: +2 HP. 3: -2 MP. 4: +2 MP. 5: -2 HP and MP. 6: +2 HP and MP.

  Advantag. When you have advantage roll two dice and use the higher value. When you have disadvantage roll two dice and use the lower value.

  You do not recover HP or MP between fights. 

  Rarity's friend's sexy socks were stolen by PrIncess Cadence and given to five monsters. She is jealous at all of the fun every pony is having without her. Rarity must get them back. Her generosity will be rewarded.


  Rarity: HP: 18. MP: 5  Attack: D4.

  Starting socks.

  Crystal shield: +2 defence for two rounds. (Null.)

  Double buck: Deal 2 damage. (Null.)

  Patience spell: +1 defence for three rounds. (Defend.) (The round you cast the spell does not count as the first round if your opponent acts first.)

 Gamble: Roll two D4 recover HP equel to the lowest number rolled. If you roll doubles recover 4 HP. (Null.)

  Preminition: Baddies (who do not act first) roll before you act. Must be worn on two hooves. (Passive.)

  Blinding light: Gain advantage next round. (Null.)


  Naked: +2 Maximum MP. Always act first.

  Ballgown: +5 Maximum HP. Recover 1 HP between fights.

  Red Trench coat and fedora: You may parry when you roll the same number as your opponent (while parrying).

  Vee cosume: You may wear five socks.

  Ruined dress: +2 to attack rolls. -2 to parry rolls.

  Princess dress: +2 to attack rolls. +1 to parry rolls. -5 Maximim HP. -1 Maximum MP.

  Plainity costume: Have a second juice box. Juice boxes recover 5 HP and 2 MP.


Pick a stage and fight every baddie in order. Earn the ponies socks and a special story if you defeat all of the baddies.



  On butterfly wings. You must spend 1 MP to defend.

  Sock ablility: The Stare: Your opponent must defend. (Defend).

  Parisprite. HP: 8. Attack: D4 -1. Special: If he rolls a 4 he steals 1 MP from you.

  Flash bees. HP 10. Attack: D6. Special: If he rolls a 1 or 6 +2 attack next round.

  Twitter mites. HP 12. Attack: D4 -1. Special: +1 attack every round.

  Iron Will. HP 9. Attack: D4 +2. Special: If he rolls a 4 you must defend next round. (If you don't have any MP skip your turn.)

  Evil apple. HP: 15. Attack: D4. Specil: He attacks twice every round.


How the hell does that relate to OP...


i  think that was a bot maybe :/

Lol. I am not a bot. I am looking for people who want to help make a game. The details of said game are listed above. I figured if I sent a short message with little to no detail you would think I was not serious.

  "I want to make a game and need a programer" would not get anyones attention.

  It is my understanding you are a programmer who wants to make a game. I am a game desiner who would like to work with a programer. I have a detailed plan. Do you want to work together?