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A member registered Feb 22, 2018 · View creator page →

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I was wondering if anyone has advice on designing the progression of a horror game.

There are four characters, two you need to use stealth mechanics against, and one that provides help, inside a manor.  You are hired on as a caretaker, long story short they are using you for a sacrificial ritual.

Do I just develop the gameplay while walking through the story?  Design puzzles on paper and implement them later?

Im still boxing out the manor since it's pretty large, and I keep thinking about the progression and how I'd do it.  Maybe it's during this stage, idk.

Any advice would be dope, thanks 🤙

Just want you to know that I fuck with your shit HEAVY!  New albums are bangers.  Keep it up, bro

I noticed there's no DMs on Itchio, but I saw your portfolio and would be interested in maybe doing some collabs together?  I'm interested in doing horror and fantasy games.  My Discord is in my profile.

How the hell does that relate to OP...

Pretty cute.  Only complaint is that the dialog ran on for a bit too long at points, and I wish there was more to do.  Love the overall theme!

Congrats, bro 🎉

Game closed randomly after like 10 seconds, so I never got to that point.  Idk if I died, which isn't obvious, or if the game crashed.

Projectiles feel really off.

No browser port.


Has to run in the browser, bro!


Did you have a stroke?..


I think trying to steer any community that you have not created yourself is going to be toxic and not fruitful.  Even if it's around the work you've done, you have no ownership of an outside group.

If you want to avoid backlash then I suggest you listen closely to your community.  If it's a design decision that you think you must make, but you expect backlash then make that design decision as perfect as you can.  Give solid reasons for the decision, and show how it fits cleanly in with the rest of your game.

For mental health I'd suggest letting the controversial change simmer, and only then looking into the community discussions when more level-headed discussions are happening.

very based

Don't mind me, bro.  This whole post seems like satire to me, but it's not.  GL though. 🍪

Aight, I'll send you a message.


Have you ever done game art that's scaled to a world?  Your art is obviously great, and would be good in visual novels.  I'm not looking for that personally, but I'd be willing to get something going with you if you can branch out and have more technical (I think that's the word I'm looking for) drawing.

Either way, glhf!


this cured my depression

It points towards the ball...  It's fine.

I didn't see your pixel art on your insta, I love it 😅

The mustache dude is fuckin awesome lmfao

I wouldn't do a "please rate" for a game outside of a Jam, but it would be a decent idea to put some text on your title screen.  Something like "Please rate my game for the Jam after playing, please." in one of the corners.  Outside of that and putting it in your page description, it's just a thing that is hit or miss, man.  You can't force people to vote unfortunately, lmfao.

From what I've read there isn't any anti-trans issues in the game.  The character creator is very inclusive.  The game dev team behind the game is not anti-trans.  I mean, fuck J. K. Rowling, but why go after a game dev team that is only using the Harry Potter IP?  Seems completely unfair.  Kind of a slap in the face as well for any LGBTQ team members on the dev team too...

Hey, Uri!  What kind of art would you be interested in doing for games?  It seems like you'd be doing concept art or visual novel stuff.  Is there any other references you have or is that what you're going for? 

This is so vague...

Absolutely cracked omg

Are you trolling?  This can't be a serious post.

The real question you should ask yourself is do you want to be a game developer or an engine tester?

"Nearly all of them have terrible little quirks that disqualify them as valid options."  - This just comes off really ignorant.

"Does anybody know of one you could point me to that might solve this need?" - What need bro?  All you've said is you want an engine that's perfect.  I don't know what you expect, honestly.

"I'm running out of precious little time to get some work done, or else I'll have to abandon this pursuit all together." - You have precious little time yet you waste all of your time on small blemishes.  Have you ever completed a game?  Do you even know what you're actually looking for?  Do you think if you find the perfect engine you'll make the perfect game?  Indeed, you should look at abandoning this pursuit, because I think you're very confused on what game development entails.

You just come off super pretentious, and ignorant, bro.

Being gay isn't innocent?  Lol.

true!  Kinda thought of that as soon as I hit post... Lmfao.  Thank you, man 🤙

Is there a more efficient way of placing down walls & ceilings/floors?  I realize it's for performance purposes that only 1 side renders, but is this the only way to do things?

Thanks, and I appreciate this pack.

Lol.  Wow.

It was warranted.