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I've edited my comment to remove linguistic ambiguities, like changing 'or' into 'nor'. 

I'm sorry about the truth that my comment seems a bit too direct and overly critical in some places. But I am serious about the situation about skirts for women in Eastern Asia. Because I've actually experienced it, and I've heard many many of my female-friends and female-classmates around talk about how to chose long socks or tights under skirts to keep 'beautiful' and feel less cold. 

And I had searched for many posts talking about it and criticizing it, and talked with people experienced this situation online. I'm sure when talking about this in my comment, there isn't a lack of understanding and respect for a 'culture' or so.

The game is a work of fiction, so maybe not everything needs to adhere to strict realism or social commentary.  But if it's not so hard for you to change Tamarack wearing , could you change the character drawings? For example, just lengthen her shorts and change some texts about her wearing... Plz Plz Plz (^人^)


Thank you for being concerned for Tamarack! Tamarack moved to this town very recently and didn't come from a place in the mountain. She's used to be in a more city/suburban area. So she doesn't dress thinking about what makes sense for going in the woods, she just wears the clothes she has and doesn't think of it as a problem. Her knees get scraped and she puts on bandages, but it doesn't cross her mind to try wearing different pants. That's just how she is at this age, haha.

And yes, there will be more female characters to meet later in the game!

Hahaha. Right. Kids are really innocent and carefree.That's just how they are at these ages. 

My little cousin loves skateboarding. She's always getting bumps and scrapes while learning new tricks, playing with friends, or competing. But she usually just brushes it off and keeps going. If she bleeds a bit, she just wipes it with a tissue. She only asks us for help when she gets a bigger scrape. I'm always told I'm overreacting and being too worried, and yep, I need to chill a bit. 

But I think you team had put some settings like "cold-resistant physique" into Tamarack, haha, as in step3 overview, Tamarack is dressed in a light plaid dress with short sleeves (And maybe there is a perfect "faux bare-leg tights"? I dont know) and a red scarf around her neck, while Qiu's wearing a green jacket with a fluffy collar, a white turtleneck underneath, and dark jeans...

Sorry for talk too much, and thank you for explaining! Your reply makes things clear and clears my confusions. I'm excited to meet the other female characters in the game and see how they bring different perspectives and experiences! Thanks a ton to your team for all the hard work you put into making this game! Looking forward to your further development of OL:N&F.


Oh I need to add something, that in my last replies, my haha and etc. are snarky. At that time I was a bit angry and felt ridiculous about some things. 

i just suddenly realized that i dont need to be nor shouldn't be polite when mad. And i might no longer be the audience of your game (or have never been considered as the target audience? i dont know), so i dont need to maintain 'harmony'.

So ATTENTION! The words below may be snarky and directly critical. and i always talk too much...

You mentioned the nature of children. There is some truth in what you said, but I do think that, whether intentionally or unintentionally, you had downplayed the issue. Just face it and dont hide the real problem. 

Even for adult Tamarack, you team chose a plaid short-sleeve dress (that even doesn't reach the knees) for her, which is completely different from Qiu's and many of others (i guess so,  just by things showed in step1). Sorry a bit but i felt ridiculous about this outfit, and the reasons are easy to find in my recent comments. I think, when designing Tamarack, you indeed—whether intentionally or unintentionally—incorporated gender stereotypes. This cannot be excused by citing 'the nature of children' or 'parental negligence'. 

But you team and your games are safe. Cause this is just one of the wrong things that most of people around the world take for granted. And many women wear such outfits 'voluntarily', haha.

And one thing very important, you really did a much better job than some disgusting games like gal games (also known as Bishojo Game). So i should stop here.

Finally, still politely, thanks your efforts and your games provided. Wish you good luck. But Goodbye.


"Tamarack can't wear skirts. Because Tamarack is a girl."

You can't be serious


I don't understand what your problem is with the way she dresses. There's literally nothing wrong with wearing a skirt/dress that doesn't reach the knees. If it's a child, I guess I could sort of see the concern, but Tamarack is a literal adult at that time, she can do whatever she wants, and that's what she wanted to wear. But I also didn't read your entire rant (because it was seriously so long and - if I'm honest - I didn't feel that the few parts of your argument that I did read was reasonable enough for me to consider reading the rest) so I might have missed something, but anyway:

Your argument for why Tamarack shouldn't be wearing skirts or shorts is that there are diseases and parasites. Have you forgotten that we're talking about a fictional character here? There's no reason to worry about such things. Also, children AND adults in the real world walk around with bare legs out in nature without any issues. I think I've had way over 100 mosquitoes and maybe 50+ ticks on me in my whole life (I'm in my early 20's), and I've never gotten sick from it. We have vaccines for a lot of diseases, and the ones we don't have vaccines for yet are rather rare. To worry about a fictional character in a freaking game getting a disease or parasite is some next level snowflake stuff. You sound like the type of controlling and overly concerned parent that force their kids to wear helmets indoors.

You also mention "incorporating gender stereotypes", which I personally don't see at all. You DO realize that some kids will wear skirts/shorts at all times if possible because that's what they prefer, right? Some kids also don't feel very cold or cold at all (I was one of those kids, so I know what I'm talking about), so that's also a possibility. And lastly, if anything, you're the one incorporating gender stereotypes by trying to decide what a girl should wear.

It sounds like the deeper issue here is that YOU might have experienced some gender stereotypes directed to you or something along those lines, and you're taking that out on the rest of us, which is obviously not fair at all. And if there is no "deeper issue", that's even worse.

And then you said this:

"i just suddenly realized that i dont need to be nor shouldn't be polite when mad. And i might no longer be the audience of your game, so i dont need to maintain 'harmony'"

Believe it or not, that is NOT how the world works. Just because you're not a company's "target audience" does NOT mean you get to be snarky. You should be polite when you're mad, because no one wants to hear out a grown adult throwing a temper tantrum (other than redditors or youtubers wanting to make content). You sound incredibly entitled and honestly bordering on Karen behavior.

Also, later in the thread you admit that you overreacted, but you still keep the comments up, which makes it seem like you don't completely think you overreacted, (because why else would you keep them up? people who realize they overreacted will usually feel embarrassed or ashamed afterwards and will more often than not delete the comments). 

You also point out yourself that you "always talk too much" and have on multiple occasions been told by other people that you're overreacting and being too worried, and then you also say that you "need to chill". So let me get this straight: You are aware of this issue of yours, yet you STILL keep doing it?  You notice a personal flaw and do nothing to stop it. You're actively avoiding trying to become a better person, and you have the gall to criticize these game devs that are really doing everything to make their games more inclusive for everyone?

Not to mention, what you're criticizing them for is creating a girl character who herself chooses what to wear.

(1 edit) (-1)

这是我的最后一次回复,以母语(mother tongue)+机器翻译(machine translation)的形式出现:

If you think what I said was too long to read, just focus on what i highlight here (used ''heading'').

我为了传达清楚想法作了引用或举例,所以会很长:) 你批评我自大和错误时,难道不也隐含着一种对自身认知的自信和自大吗?

I used quotes or examples to convey my ideas clearly, so it will be very long:) When you criticize me for being arrogant and wrong, doesn't it also imply a confidence and arrogance in your own cognition?


When I tried to suppress my temper and pointed out the problem in a subtle and humble way, you already thought I wasn't being proactive enough and implicitly blamed me. So, after I stopped being conflicted and restated my position, there's no need for you to pretend to be "righteous," "proactive," and "tolerant," while accusing me of being an arrogant person who cannot truly recognize mistakes.


In fact, I never thought my reaction was excessive. 


I was subtle in the beginning simply because I hadn't fully realized that "off-season dressing" had crossed my bottom line, and I was conflicted about whether I should be harsh on "imperfection." At the same time, I believed that if my tone was more gentle and I lowered my stance, it would be easier for people to accept my opinion. Perhaps it was because my stance was too low, my language too subtle, or because I hadn't yet mastered the "art of language" and failed to suppress my emotions well, resulting in a poor overall effect that appeared contradictory and strange—how unfortunate.


As the conversation progressed, I realized the answers to the questions I hadn't asked. I recognized that this game doesn't quite reach the level of "imperfection" in my mind, but I won't heavily criticize or boycott it because it hasn't yet reached the level that would trigger my "condemn and resist" line.


In recent years, there have been many discussions about feminism on our internet, especially regarding so-called "freedom of dress," "freedom of creation," and "freedom of entertainment."


First of all, don't twist the concept or misinterpret my comments. In fact, I am not criticizing her for wearing a skirt (at least not in my comments); I am criticizing the impractical, off-season, and anti-human nature (warmth and comfort) of such dressing styles.

接着,聊聊所谓的“穿衣自由”,我们这边经常叫它“服美役”(Beauty Duty)。如果在秋冬季节里穿着“美观”但不保暖的反季节衣服是一种自由和时尚,那为什么我没看到Step 1的boys' club穿不及膝的短裤和长袜?为什么在Step 3中Qiu没有穿短袖和不及膝的短裤,或者穿和Tamarack一样的裙子? 

Next, let's talk about the so-called "freedom of dress," which we often call "Beauty Duty." If wearing "beautiful" but un-warm off-season clothes in autumn and winter is a form of freedom and fashion, then why haven't I seen the boys' club in Step 1 wearing shorts and knee-high socks? Why didn't Qiu wear short sleeves and knee-length shorts, or wear a skirt like Tamarack in Step 3? 


In the end, as we often quote from Foucault: "If I haven't forced you at all and let you be in a completely free state, yet you still choose the path I preset for you, that's when I start exercising power." 

还有《始于极限》中的观点:“主体越坚持选择自由,结构越被免责。” 你们所谓的“自由”,名为自由,实为“美丽”枷锁和“魅力”枷锁。

And the view from "Started at the Limit": "The more the subject insists on choosing freedom, the more the structure is absolved." Your so-called "freedom" is in name freedom, but in reality, it's a shackle of "beauty" and "charm."


Also, let me vent a bit: Women wearing pants is something that earlier generations of women fought for, and it hasn't even been a hundred years since "women wearing pants was widely accepted." This makes your so-called "freedom to wear skirts" laughable. When have women ever lacked the "freedom to wear skirts"? From childhood to adulthood, women have basically been taught or subtly influenced by society to think that "women should wear (beautiful) skirts." Even as they age, the mainstream formal wear for women is still dresses. Have women ever lacked skirt freedom? Stop calling women wearing off-season skirts a "freedom," and use it to attack me for despising others' "freedom." It's utterly absurd—do you and I live in the same era, on the same planet? When has society ever had an atmosphere of "preventing women from wearing off-season skirts"? Clearly, such behavior is almost always encouraged, both openly and subtly. 


Moreover, I was merely pointing out the irrationality and expressing my thoughts, standing up for a "paper person" (in reality, "her" entire existence is basically decided by the creator), and yet you jump out to say I'm interfering with or disrespecting her "freedom of dress"… To give an analogy, it's like when I criticize the unfairness of sweatshop labor and its exploitation of workers, hoping the factory owner would correct it, and you pop out saying I'm interfering with or disrespecting those workers' "freedom to work overtime." Isn't that just ridiculous?


Regarding "freedom of creation" and "freedom of entertainment," it is often said that people are influenced by the stance and understanding of the creator on certain issues reflected in the work, and creators need to take some responsibility for their audience.


 Professor Dai Jinhua once said: "You consume this kind of culture, thinking it's just providing you with pleasure. However, unknowingly, it constructs your emotional ways, constructs your values, constructs your lifestyle, and constructs your aspirations, your fears, and your needs, precisely those things that you lightly consume for entertainment..." 


Any "freedom" in a work, if not within the correct bounds, will ultimately become a weapon that harms and shackles people in reality. This is something that both creators and consumers need to pay attention to.


no one is forcing you to play the game?? whether you stop supporting gbpatch or not, theres a bunch of other people who will





我相信“直视正确和夺回自由”的女权主义潮流终将席卷世界,未来我也会为之出一份力。你们且瞧着吧,Just u wait,哈哈。说不定没过几年,我就能制作出数款"女性角色拥有真正的自由"的游戏了呢:)

Ps:连“How Dare”之类的话都说得出来的,内心是得多脆弱和多在意中评和差评啊,连直视一下别人话语里的正确和合理性都不敢。



Machine Translations:

Foolish. I've seen so many diversionary tactics like this, it's ridiculous. I haven't come across a response like yours in years, honestly, it's rock-bottom. My only regret is wasting time trying to reason with someone who didn't deserve it, and not being sharp and direct enough in my rebuttal, going all out with my attacks. Some of my arguments were not tight enough (after all, it was written offhandedly, and people often respond with "too long, didn’t read" when they can't refute, haha).

Who even cares if people are still playing this game? Do you think I'd get "triggered" just because some people still play it? Ha! If that were the case, there'd be plenty of games in this world that could "trigger" me. Where would I even find the time and energy to be upset or angry at those who have a choice, yet still go with the flow and choose the "shackles of freedom"?

Just understanding and trying to help those who have no choice already consumes enough of my time and energy :) Not to mention, I also have to focus on my own development and making myself stronger.

I believe the feminist movement of "facing the truth and reclaiming freedom" will eventually sweep the world, and I'll contribute to it in the future. Just wait, you’ll see, haha. Maybe in a few years, I'll be making games where "female characters truly have freedom." :)

P.S.: Saying something like "How Dare" — wow, how fragile and sensitive do you have to be to care so much about middle and bad reviews? Not daring to face the truth or the logic in others' words, really?

Even games with millions or tens of millions of sales still get thousands or tens of thousands of middle and bad reviews. What, are you the type to reply to every review with "How dare you" or "If you don’t play, others will"? This platform isn’t a one-man show for anyone or any game, what a joke.

And lastly, hahaha, this should be my final reply.

not reading allat


This is unnecessarily judgemental, I think the character designs are just fine? Nothing about this seems positive in my opinion 


Yep, yep, I just overreacted. Sorry a ton for that :)

(2 edits) (-10)

I need to make things clearer for my reply. So here some snarky (maybe) adding: Well, with your another recent comment ( you only use "hot", when showing your like to a character), I've easily understood why you replied me so. If i want to show my like for her, i would use words like "caring" or so. Ngl, due to that, i am sure that we are not the same kind of people, making it difficult to understand each other. So my comments dont need your approval like "positive". And i chose to be direct, cause i just realized that i went here just to point out problems i'd seen and felt.

Then end with something polite: Enjoy your games :) 

oh! ....


I lava the way you type

Deleted 190 days ago