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Let's start with the positives. I really dig the aesthetic of the game. The Y2K aesthetic it got going on is cool and the song is a vibe. The mechanic of manipulating the computer to traverse the level is also a clever interpretation of the theme.
Unfortunately it's kinda frustrating to play. The platforming is clunky and working the controls of the PC at the same time is awkward. Even tho the levels is short its somewhat annoying to redo them over and over because of a missed jump or mistimed button press.

That said as a whole package this is still pretty great. I still had fun even if it was somewhat frustrating at times!


gotta to say i really REALLY like stfu so i appreciate the post. a part of me thinks i should have toned down the difficulty but I think it's part of its charm.

as for the multitasking, i had purposefully made it so you had to physically press the buttons to really drive home the idea that you're changing the pc and not just making platforms disappear and reappear. Imo if it was keybinds the game would have lost a bit of what made it cool. Still, maybe the game would have been better with keybinds but deadline's passed already and theres no changing it now. 

once again... loved stfu and im still wondering how you stored the inputs to reuse on the clones bc i was thinking about it and im stumped.


I actually agree that there is a certain charm to having to press the PC buttons with the mouse. I just think the parts where you have to time the PC inputs with stuff that happens in "game" could have benefited from slightly more generous timing. Not a lot more i think it should be challenging but just a little bit to make it feel better. But like for a game jam game you all did an really impressive job with the game! 

Also idk how Beetruth did it but he really did do fantastic work on our game even if my smol artist brain doesn't quite understand the code.


The way the time travel works is through a few scripts:

RecordedPlayerInput: A struct that contains 3 variables - Horizontal Input, Jump Input, Time Travel Input
TimeTravelRecorder: Component on the player. It has a RecordedPlayerInput list. A new element is added to that list every frame in FixedUpdate with the relevant inputs. When the player time travels, the script sends the list to the TimeTravelManager.
TimeTravelManager: Has all the copies of the player inputs and sends them to a player copy in Start.
PlayerCopy: Has a full list of RecordedPlayerInput that was sent from the TimeTravelManager in the Start function. Every fixed frame, the velocity is set according to the input of the current RecordedPlayerInput.

I don't know if I explained that well but hopefully it made a little sense.


ahh i see. im not too familiar with structs but that makes sense for the most part