Great demo! The artstyle, the environment and the story go so well! However here are some bugs I found
- When in dialogue, the wrong key to close the window is displayed. I see it is a left click UI (or at ppears to be) but dialogue closes with the E key for keyboard
- The dialogue UI and the UI in general seems to be cropped for large aspect ratios and resolutions. I am running on 2560x1080 and I didn't know there was health and coins UI, which was hidden on the top left! As well as the dialogue is somewhat cropped on the second line of any dialogue.
- Some houses that seem to have a portch are blocked by some colliders. I believe that you just added a big box collider and not make it accurate, which is fine! But some times I want to walk near some houses and I can't.
These are just some bugs that I found, but they seem to be very specific to some displays and machines. Doubt they are high on your bug priority list, however, I can support the game like this :) Keep it up!