The core game loop and the mechanics come together so well! Easy to learn with a bit of a learning curve. Had a lot of fun gliding around with a sponge!
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At first, I didn't understand the control scheme, it was a little confusing. But then you get the hang of it quickly. I realized that it's much better with the controller though.
I love the feedback, puzzles and the FTUE parts! They are so well done. Game seems polished and well thought of. Well done! One of my favourites!
Great demo! The artstyle, the environment and the story go so well! However here are some bugs I found
- When in dialogue, the wrong key to close the window is displayed. I see it is a left click UI (or at ppears to be) but dialogue closes with the E key for keyboard
- The dialogue UI and the UI in general seems to be cropped for large aspect ratios and resolutions. I am running on 2560x1080 and I didn't know there was health and coins UI, which was hidden on the top left! As well as the dialogue is somewhat cropped on the second line of any dialogue.
- Some houses that seem to have a portch are blocked by some colliders. I believe that you just added a big box collider and not make it accurate, which is fine! But some times I want to walk near some houses and I can't.
These are just some bugs that I found, but they seem to be very specific to some displays and machines. Doubt they are high on your bug priority list, however, I can support the game like this :) Keep it up!
I am not giving the game a perfect score, because I could not finish it and I rage quit. And I lost one of my seeds. Yes, I'm butthurt >:(
But in all seriousness, this game was very impressive. The story, the art, the sound, the feedback and mechanics were just too good for a 48 hour jam. Probably my favorite game out of all. Amazing!
Wow! Such a fun mechanic. Loved the retro 1920's art style and the music. The AI navmesh was a bit weird sometimes, but it was pretty convincing. The level design was pretty good too. Liked the idea with the vents, where you can recover and hide. My only issue was the complete invisibility for the player when becoming smoke. You could have made the player half transparent or a literally smoke sprite to be able to see where I'm going. Other than that, awesome!
For a 3D game in Unreal, the artstyle is very good for such a short time frame event. The cow sound was a 5/5 itself haha. I liked the mood, the cow attraction mechanics and the effects. The shooting was very satisfying. One issue was that I could not find the flying disk sometimes and I got lost. An indicator in the UI would help a lot, but I understand that was hard to do for this time frame. Very nice visuals, very smart idea. Good job to you guys!
Very good for a simple game like this! I got excited to play it when I saw the thumbnail, because I knew the creativity was there. I liked the sounds and the controls and mechanics were easy to understand. I definitely got more Harem after a few plays and sheeesh, it was satisfying when you get many people to like you at once xD Great job to the team and I'm sure you guys are proud of your work :)