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Seems like I forgot to speak about the hack terminal battles:
-I like the settings of them
-I like the fact that the enemies get stronger as their allies are defeated.
-They are also very big difficulty spikes which wasn't a real problem for me, but I can easily imagine some being blocked by them.
-They can become unwinnable if you kill the enemies in the "wrong order" and end up with a single very tanky enemy who is buffed by most of the 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 stars buffs at once and has a good aoe physical skill (Angelus Aegis is probably the worst in that regard).
-It isn't exactly obvious which enemy must be killed first, as the buff they give on their death seems to be arbitrary assigned to each enemy. One won't know the correct kill streak unless they try the battle at least once before.


Thank you very much for the in-depth review, glad to hear you're enjoying it and that the combat system updates are working better, I've been thinking and working on the numerous details you brought up and released an hotfix dealing with the main bugs! Some clarifications:

-For the sun/moon/void/plasma, I'll need some more time to think how to balance the terrain obstacles better (your suggestion for the moon sounds nice, but need to figure how to implement it in an efficient way code-wise), although I did fix the "warping on top of student" and expanded the NPC advice to point out that fire magic will help deal with the local enemies but not the local terrain.

-Replaced the ship sprites, hopefully new ones will fit better.

-Also increased the respawn timer and enemies in chapter 3 should not respawn if defeated until the player changes maps (or rests at the central space spot).

-The selecting with mouse is something I still need to work on because I'm using a lot of code to change sprite sizes and that seems to conflict with the mouse selection.

-Went around adding icons to the treasure chest item rewards.

-Fixed volley fire and Flurry, the combat animation plugin works in funny ways.

-4th party member now gets a full heal before joining just in case.

-Went around making the battle skills and temporary buff items useable only in actual battle (there's no Force Field skill/item, I assume you meant one that has the shield animation?)

-Suspect the buff/debuff missing was due to some hidden combat code that wasn't working properly, should be fixed now.

-Moon movement should be working more properly now too.

-The inaccessible space buildings should be accessible now, really need to improve mapping skills.

-Oh, nice of you to notice Pretty Pyro's in there, but that's mostly just a cameo (still plan to go back and finish that one, season 2 will be real to complete the cycle!)

-Still need to think of a way of making the gate boss battle more challenging.

-Early game feeling easier is definitely working as intended!

-Speaking of boss battles, the hack terminal ones ended up bugged in that the enemy buffing should've been the same regardless of which order you take them out (also removing weaker buffs when applying the stronger ones). Should be fixed now, but "arbirtrary buff stacking so that final enemy can end up too powerful if you take them out in the wrong order" sounds like something fun that could be implemented for later/extra bosses.

Thanks once more!