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Okay, let me make sure I've got this right.

Part 1 - Sol and Luna are causing eclipses when the MC arrives, the day/night cycle doesn't get fixed until he's caught them both.
Fucking them both basically super-charges the MC's dick so that when he sticks it into Necrozma, it provides her with the energy she hungers for and lets her calm down enough to want to join the harem.

Part 2 - The Future Paradox Mons that got bought to the present get knocked up by the MC, they have kids, their kids have kids, their kids' kids have kids, and so on.
Far off in the future, the Paradox Mons that got bought back are born from their own distant descendants and are bought back to the present to meet the MC, there they got knocked up, they have kids, their kids have kids, their kids' kids ha-
Then it just loops forever.

(6 edits)

Exactly, as long as the MC is in the right spot at right time the loop continues without an end or beginning. And paradoxes are always a headache. This can also be applied to the past paradox Pokémon where one is brought to the present meets the MC gets pregnant but gets somehow sent to the distant past even further than when she originated and thus start the species and cause a loop like the future ones. A real headache. 

Yeah I can work with this, it's going in my notes!

The really crazy thing is that if Great Tusk, Scream Tail, Brute Bonnet, Flutter Mane and Sandy shocks are used in the paradox then the MC can consider there evolved decedents Ex: jigglypuff, Donphan, magnaton can then be considered his eventual descendants and show the paradox loop continues there species eventual creation.