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A member registered Mar 22, 2024

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I think Reshiram and Zekrom could say they made the truth or dare game since Reshiram represents truth zekrom is ideals so could be dares to get others to build the ideal world.

Since Diancie and Fezandipiti are all about beauty they would want to be covered in the MC cum since I had heard somewhere that it acts as revitalizer for skin and they would eventually want to take a cum bath. Diancie would ask the MC beauty questions and wont work with people who dont understand beauty perfectly and wont give a second chance.

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Could Cresselia allow the MC to enter the dreams of the other legends or at least the main legends. Lugia could dream of founding a religion or shrine about anal and the MC would be the deliverer that showed the way to pleasurer paradise. Mewtwo dream of being a housewife in a naked apron.

Sounds even better.

For the rock paper scissors sex idea could start with groudon and kyoger fighting but getting bored of either one winning due to raqueza so they somehow come up with this so she wont interfere and one can actually win or tie.

An idea for a mini game could be a rendition of Rock Paper Scissor but could be played as Oral, Anal, Pussie. Oral beat pussie, Anal beat oral, and pussie beats anal.

Its is the Giant Torterra Garden Scene from detective Pikachu movie and is four minuets long if you want to look it up to see just how massive they were.

I had a crazy idea. Ancient people believed the ground contained a gigantic Torterra. So the MC is travelling to an dried up waterfall just to look around and finds a cave where the water used to come from and enters it but the entrance closes. It is humid and there is a smell that he has smelled and tasted before but cant think of what like its at the tip of his Tung but goes further in and gets more wet and squishy  like flesh inside the body.  He then sees a hole that gets him arroused. It dawns on him he is inside a pussy of a gigantic Torterra and need to bring her to orgasm to ride the wave out of there. When the "Waterfall" comes back a new legend about the area forms of the Turtwig water fall where turtwigs are seen on occasion swimming out of the water as if they had just hatched and would be one of the mysteries of the region.

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An idea for Xerneas is that she has a massive pregnancy fetish since she does make more life and once she sees how much the MC filled her up and just imagines the number of eggs and how big she will get she could drool at the thought and look forward to seeing Yveltal massively pregnant and unable to fly. Once the MC brings her to the ship she can comment that she has come to her dream paradise of being surrounded by massive pregnant belly's all the time now. Zygarde would sense that Xereas is making less life energy since she is pregnant. With her around the number of eggs each legend can make could increase from a dozen to a dozen and half or two dozen and just be mentioned in the egg laying scene otherwise everything else would be the same unless chainsaw wants to put in a image of a legend with a extremely large belly where it is more than twice the size of their body and would support them entirely in the air.  When the MC finds both Xerneas and Yveltal they would be just coming out of their tree and cocoon forms so don't need to worry about them changing mid journey later and both would warn the MC "You don't need to worry about finding Zygarde. What you need to worry about is her finding you instead."

I had thought of a name of a group the dragon types make for their weakness, DPC (Dragon Pleasure Club) they would get together to find how to maximize their pleasure. They would think they have the superior pussy for pleasure since usually dragons look down on other types and having a dragons pride would have them in competition with the AWC.

That can lead to a side scene on the boat involving Latias and Latios to decide which type is better for pleasure for the MC. They would decide that neither is better but they themselves are better than both groups since they can feel intense pleasure from front and back at same time and send them to levels of pleasure that the others cant reach and make both groups jealous of them even though they are the smallest dragon type and not the strongest psychic type.

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So for Yveltal her personality could be that she does not like the way she is. She has no real intent to cause destruction or kill its just the powers she was born with that don't really leave another way to exist without causing destruction. She may be a dark type but it does not mean she likes what she does to be a counter balance to Xerneas. She is jealous of Xerneas for being loved by many and she can only be feared or seen as a weapon and attacks xerneas. She could secretly wish to find someone that can love her for who she is and not what her powers do and to feel life being made inside her instead of taking life from around her. The MC cum can have the energy of life so she would not need draw life energy around her and can keep her from forming the cocoon or at least shorten it to need a few hours and comes out again. This disruption would lead to Zygarde going to the outside of the MC ship to face him. This can show that not all legends like the powers they were born with and don't really need to have a personality that matches their type. She can treat what she does as a job she does not want but as something to prevent worse from happening and will do the job. Plus she can do a lot more destruction if she actually wanted to but does not unless pushed towards it.

Also I can see Diancie being a beauty queen personality and having the MC to have a Dimond tip dick just to get into her.

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I did have an idea where ogerpon's original partner did want to start a family with her but she wanted to take a walk to think about it and when she got back it was to late and was not able to give her answer to him. So after she killed the loyal three out of rage/sadness she kept pecharunt in its sleep shell form and used it as a golf ball and her cudgel as a golf club to make sure it could not sleep soundly to get some payback. She eventually hit swung to hard and lost it. So when the MC first beats her he could decide to lick the horns on her face (unmasked) and that was something her original partner did so she would think he reincarnated back for her and then gives the answer she was unable to give in time and will follow the MC even without the poke ball.

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For Ogerpon I feel she would like to do some role play sex with one for each of her masks. Ex her hearthflame mask she can role play as like a barbarian and the MC as the captive for fun. Since the loyal three heavily injured her original partner He could have died protecting the mask she can be wearing the wellspring mask since she is still grieving and once the MC beats her she would think its her original partner come back to her since the loyal three also came back to life will then want to stay with him again.

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An idea solution for the new ship topic if chainsaw does not want to put in a new ship would to slightly modify the text at the beginning of the game where Maple is giving the MC the ship to include "this ship is the most advanced ship on the planet for breeding and will adapt itself to ensure the legends that you collect and no matter how big and bigger they get (wink) they will have the facilities needed to be comfortable. The changes will happen as if they were always their and the rotom will ensure the upkeep and repair of the ship. How this happens I will simply say Legendary Poke Science. Now get out there and fuck em all." can be added to Maples dialoged.

Sounds reasonable just to be mentioned once.

Will the ultra beasts be divided into gen 7 and 8 since they are in both gens

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A possible side scene for victini on the ship could be pregnant belly contest were the legends with their second pregnancy would argue who has the most babies inside since they can have more eggs inside the second time around. So victini would act as a judge and would keep it fair since she likes a real victory and not a hollow one where relations would effect it. 

If the legends do get even more pregnant since now their bodies have now adapted to getting pregnant they would need to widen the doors of the ship or possibly get a new ship entirely since maple in her second pregnancy now is having even more kids in her belly growing and suspects the same will happen to the legends which can lead to a bigger ship being custom made for this reason so none get stuck in a door or room as the keep getting bigger.

For Pecharunt the travel section can be that some rangers have her but she's asleep and they have a Mythical Pecha berry to wake it but will let the MC do it. So when it comes time to wake her up a flying Pokémon snatches it and he has to quickly chase after it and if one wrong move happens its lost thus keeping with the Mythical being lost. So when he gets the berry and wakes her up she asks questions. The MC would be immune to the mochi effect since his deep desire is to have lots of sex with legends which is already happening and the psychic legends would keep his mind safe. Percharunt can have the personality of a child that never grew up and wants attention whether its right or wrong.

An idea for Okidogi, Munkidori and Fezandipiti is that after being killed and brought back to life they now love to party like its their last day on the planet. For Fezandipity the purple chain can be purple tassels on her nipples and she be a dancer. For Okidogi and Munkidori their chain could be purple ties in their respective places since having it look like a chain implies them being slaves which they are not and they did get what they wanted in life from Pecharunt the strength, intelligence, and beauty. I also had the idea when poison types taste the MC cum they get a buzz of slight drunkenness' since regular alcohol does not effect poison types.

The really crazy thing is that if Great Tusk, Scream Tail, Brute Bonnet, Flutter Mane and Sandy shocks are used in the paradox then the MC can consider there evolved decedents Ex: jigglypuff, Donphan, magnaton can then be considered his eventual descendants and show the paradox loop continues there species eventual creation.

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Exactly, as long as the MC is in the right spot at right time the loop continues without an end or beginning. And paradoxes are always a headache. This can also be applied to the past paradox Pokémon where one is brought to the present meets the MC gets pregnant but gets somehow sent to the distant past even further than when she originated and thus start the species and cause a loop like the future ones. A real headache. 

If the MC ever gets kidnapped SWAT force dito will be there with some legends.

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An idea for Solgaleo, Lunala could be since they are both in the same region them just being their causes a solar eclipse to happen but wont go away till both have been dealt with since both are against the other and would fit. With Necrozma can be in a area that is shrouded in twilight and cant be entered till both other legends join the MC. The best way I can describe the twilight would be darkness bleeding from light or to look up "legend of Zelda twilight princess" twilight zone, where like Necrozma got their light stolen and would look good as the background of the images for her. Since the MC had sex with both Solgaleo and Lunala his dito genes now have him make the same energy that Necrozma needs to have to stop feeling pain she is always in and is made and delivered by his dick so once she tastes him she will want to stay with him since he can make an excessive amount at any time.

I also had an idea for any of the futuristic paradox pokemon that could be used that can say why they are a paradox since there is little info on them from the future on them. It goes like the MC breeds the robotic paradox pokemon (not joining harem) it is then speculated by Maple that the one that was brought back from the future is a future descendant of his where its been so many generations without the MC where incest would not be applied that was randomly chosen to go back and start a loop that would have no beginning or end thus a paradox.

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An idea for the Tapu legends side event could be after the MC collects all the Tapu they would let him join them for their long overdue Luau (something kept them from going). The Tapu could have a day where they all secretly come together on a small island that they only know about and no other pokemon inhabit it. Being the guardian of each island is stressful while battling any ultra beasts that appear and having babysat many Cosmog that Solgaleo/Lunala left to grow. So they made a event for themselves to cut lose for a day and not care about how they act. The thing they will most look forward to is a stuffing contest with each other to see who can get the biggest belly and felling so full. The MC can then judge who won and gets the MC's white cream for desert. Once they realize they can have big full belly's all the time when they choose to follow the MC and see the island will be just fine without them for a couple of years and they feel like they deserve a long overdue extended vacation to start their own families and have lots of sex. 

Question: I read Solgaleo/Lunala both came from an Ultra wormhole so in a way they could be considered ultra beasts so how will that work with ultra beasts not joining the harem?

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For Keldeo since she can talk with telepathy she would have heard from other humans (who are jealous of MC) the MC capturing other legends but would have misunderstood and think the MC been making slaves of the legends and would fight him to free the legends if they meet and would fit with the character of seeking justice. Once she has been added to the harem a side scene could be with Mew where Keldeo turns into her resolute form and can control the shape of the horn to not be sharp but bigger, longer and bumps where the MC has an idea to spit roast mew in middle and mew would use her psychic power turn herself around while dangling off the ground and taking both at same time. Mew would definitely love it and Keldeo would like the pleasure from using her horn.

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I don't know much about what can be done to already made images from AI but if the image of the legend can be cut out and placed in another kind of image then two or more legends can be put into the same image just depends on which pose they are in and situation wanted like two kneeling and looking at player ready to give a double blowjob to MC. It wont be perfect but the idea is for an image at the very end of the game where chainsaw feels they are done with this even when more legends are added to the Pokémon franchise and this would have all the legends displayed with the biggest at the top in the back and smallest in front bottom with a "thanks for playing". It will be a long time till that happens but seeing all the legends together regardless if caught or not on display would show how big the MC's harem is at the end. This could allow recycling of some images that did not make the cut or previously used images in where a lot of detail is not needed.

The idea of victini attacking the MC is a good idea and she could have a personality of being #1 so she heard he was beating legends and wanted to stay at the top in a 1VS1 fight that cant be won if he waits for her to tire so he would need change tactics by using his moves to stimulate her heat. Ex: His swift move can have him slap her butt since she is psychic is effective until she wants to lose and have sex instead. She could gloat to the other legends of that region that she was caught first before them and have more kids than the other legends.

An idea for the next gen Victini could be to have her want to lose to win and if she wins she loses long term. Since she can make an almost unlimited energy so tiring her out would not work in battle but since she is a fire type the MC could some how build up her sexual heat to a point where she would want to stop fighting thus lose and have sex and realize its better than having victory herself.

Another event that can happen is when the first children are ready to be sent to Maple the transportation vehicle that comes has an unexpected passenger that really wants to meet the MC again. It would be Pikachu that has been waiting for the MC and saw that Maple showed a picture to the piolet and thought they were going to him. So this would be a short scene that the MC has the option to have sex with Pikachu before sending her back to maple again with the other legendary Pokémon children.

What inspired you to create this game?

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I had an idea for the battle part of Guzzlord where the MC uses his moves to keep her from eating food around her thus she would not be able to replenish her energy and drain it instead. The travel part could be him collecting food together then somehow cooking it and blowing the smell around to lure her to him.

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An idea for the largest legendaries would the give the MC a "MILK BATH". They could ask the MC to help them scrub around the parts they cant get to with their massive pregnant belly's and their milk would turn the water white while having some fun with him.

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An idea for a future legendary could be when the MC just begins looking for the legendary they come to him wanting to be breed by him since the have been following and info on him and be a super fan of his so don't want to wait any longer. But either a group (criminal group?) kidnaps the legendary to breed then take over the world or by a group of super fans of the legendary want her for themselves and think they deserve her more than someone who does not know much about her. Two possible legendary that could be used is Enamorus or Meloetta. He would then have to find them then deal with who ever took them through battle.

Enamorus does respect and brings new life into the world so the MC getting legends pregnant would excite her to find someone to fulfill her wish of making her a mother instead of just bringing new life to others. The criminal gang could be used for her and the super fans for Meloetta.

Melloetta could have the personality of not wanting to be treated as an untouchable object being an idol and wants to go with the MC as soon as possible but super fans get in the way. Both legends don't do their best at resisting the capture since they don't want to show a bad side to the MC since they REALLY want him to love them but learn he will love them regardless of how they act and that makes them love him even more especially that they want to have massive pregnant belly's and be inflated by cum often and don't need to act like a perfect idol anymore.

Sounds good.

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Mew two could want to celebrate the MC birthday by being the cake. Some frosting on her while she levitates the candles. Could go with the birds making food since they were the first legends he meet so them working together and the player choosing which to interact with first for the birthday party. Mew could be a present with a bow around her and could even have mew two a little embarrassed like when a daughter sees her mother in an embarrassing way in front of others. It would be funny and a good event for the very first legendary Pokémon of the Pokémon series. This could happen just after when the first set of eggs hatch and the MC mentions that the children will share the same birthday and explains it. the legends ask if he has one and can say yes and coming soon but has not celebrated one in a long time. The first legends would decide to make one for him to show appreciation and such.

If the pull ups are too tricky to write could also do "push ups" with the MC on ground but them still giving BJ till they inflate.

For the plant type legends their weakness could be their feet since to a plant having their roots damaged or messed with is very effective at damaging the plant since leaves and stem can be damaged without to much impact. So to plant Pokémon their legs can be considered their roots and be very sensitive if targeted. Thus they could give very good foot/thy jobs to the MC while getting massive pleasure from it.

For ghost type they could be the type that get heightened pleasure from doing the act in public spaces. Ex: MC at a desk/table surrounded by people and feels her her give a BJ just below the table and must keep a straight face or be found out which gives her a thrill at the danger of being found out. The ghost can go invisible but wants to do sexual acts in places where many people can gather and could find out about her but since they are so good at sneaking they keep pushing the limit to there skills that they are so proud of. This does not have any bondage involved like the darkness but still an almost embarrassing situation involved.

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I have been thinking of ideas for optional sexual preferences like the pychic with anal for each type so the others are not left out and I know not all the ideas will be used but I'll just put them here to see what others think if has potential or not for future.

So for dragon type a reverse scale or spot inside their pussy would be hard to reach and usually they would not let anyone touch it since it could act like a super G spot that amplifies and built up pleasure by an extreme amount and cause the biggest orgasm she ever felt and maybe act a little stupid like what happened to wisdom of the lake trio but very temporary. It would be so strong the vice like pressure the MC usually feels would become a hydraulic press/crusher that if he does not have a dragon dick it could break it off. At the same time only a dragon dick would be able to reach and put enough pressure to actually set it off so it can be optional. This could only apply to the bigger dragon legends since the smaller ones need only a big dick to feel max pleasure and bigger ones the MC dick would barley poke out to stimulate them. 

I did have a idea for two optional events on the ship. First one is called sexercise where the legends are exercising and the MC wants to help so for squats it would involve the bigger legends so the MC is just beneath them lying on floor with dick up and each time they squat it goes in, out and after enough time they would be inflated. Another exercise would be pull ups and MC be just above them with dick towards their face so when they pull up they be giving a deep BJ till they are rewarded with a white protine drink straight to their belly.

The second event would be a little harder to do since it involves articuno and the other birds. It could be called "dinner time" a appetizer (zapdos), main course (moltres) and desert (articuno) and choose which to do.  All of them would put the food on there bodies and lay on a table so the MC eats off them without using hands. Moltres would have grilled meats and sauces on her to cook and eat while her reward could be the roast bird wants some stuffing. Articuno would have ice cream with whip cream on breasts and a Cherrie for each. Zapdos could have fried finger food cooked by her electricity.

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I had the idea for darkri bondage part could start on the ship that she wanted to mess with other legends maybe psychic that were playing jump rope but instead got tied up instead while the legends ran away. The MC is nearby and hears her swear bloody revenge and decided to teach her a lesson which leads her to liking being ted up and unable to control the situation. It would be funny and she would then have a big orgasm at the end and realize she likes this kind of play and would like to try it on others in their dreams. The jump rope could be made from a really strong bug type since the material would need to be strong enough to be played with by legends and not break thus a good fit for weakness.

This could also be used on flying type legends since having their wings bound would make them grounded and thus be considered a rock type? With their wings bound they would become more susceptible to attacks and damage thus a elevated pleasure from the MC. This would allow a kind of bondage to be used not only for dark type but also flying if this seems feasible to write.

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I had an idea for the dark type legends that they would be excited at the loss of control they have in their situation. Reason is the dark type can control the dark to hide and sneak attack but if they are revealed to all and can't do anything about it, it would be like shinning a light into the dark revealing them. So Darkri could somehow try bondage herself with the MC and find it thrilling and scary in that someone could walk in and see her in a compromising and embarrassing situation that it would thrill her since she has been always the one in control. At the same time she would have no control what the MC does to her plus she has given ALOT of people nightmares out of their control so no she can experience the powerlessness she has done to others. She could like it enough to be like lugia teaching but for bondage and the art of it to any volunteer that would like to experience it and any dark types that join even though there are very few dark type legends.

An idea for a event could be pokemon scientist brought back a prehistoric or extinct pokemon but it died in heat and was brought back still in heat even after thousands of years and the MC happens to be in the region and is asked by someone to help calm her down.

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An idea would be on the way to Alola while on the boat a Ultra wormhole opens and the MC has the choice to go in (while he does not have any legendries) he would arrive at a Ultra Nexus (place to choose where to go) with multiple portals to choose from and each would have a Ultra beast in a different alternate world. The worlds could be strange like  no gravity places , you know places that don't make much sense but in there it is normal. When he comes to the portal that would lead home the option to leave would come up and he would know he would not be able to come back. When he does get back only a few seconds passed so none of the other legends are worried yet and all goes fine.

For the tasting it could be a bottle appears with a picture of the Ultra Beast with milky breasts and say "This is something to remind you of me and I already have plenty of children to remind me of you".

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For the Ultra beasts I had read that they are from different dimensions but should all share common attributes so it could be that when the MC encounters each and inflates with his cum they could immediately give milk to taste that would be uniqe to each depending on type and how they look before they get sent back home due to the MC. Examples: Blacephalon could taste like "explosive cotton candy", Naganadel could be an alchole taste. It could also go that the MC gets sucked into a ultra wormhole and meets Ultra beasts and have to meet their demands to be able to pass to eventually get home similarly to what the ultra beasts want "just to go home" but now they will be coming back with a belly full of babies.

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For the poison type legends when they get to the milk tasting part their milk could have said to taste like alcohol since when you go to a bar and could be asked "pick your poison" so the legend could say "Want a glass, bottle or drink directly from the TAP". Also since poison types are highly resistant to poison they could drink as much alcohol and really never get drunk fast enough to affect them and same is said for their children so it would be fine on them to drink it. Could even be said to bottle it and let it age to a higher quality if the ship was to have a mini bar for fun. There is a wine called "Milk Wine"

You could even have it that fire types are weak to water so when they get covered in the MC cum could be a critical hit to them and heighten there orgasm.

I got the game for windows but did not find a way in the file to start the game. Also tried the MAC version and extracted the files but still did not find any way to start the game. Do I need additional programs or is it just hidden deep in the file?