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Thank you for posting that info. The log shows no errors or anything that looks wrong to me. Running it on Windows 7 is no problem, one of my computers uses it and the emulator works well.

I had never seen a distortion in menus like that. Maybe it could be a bug with the GUI library I am using (Dear ImGui). I will try to investigate that when I get back home in a few days. If you want to try other options meanwhile  I could suggest using the Vircon32 core for RetroArch. If you don't use RetroArch, I think you should still be able to play the games with this emulator using the keyboard. Here are the main key commands:

Escape: Toggle menus
Ctrl + L: Load ROM, or change to another one (with power off)
Ctrl + P: Toggle power (on/off)
Ctrl + R: Reset
Ctrl + F: Toggle fullscreen
Ctrl + 1 / 2 / 3: Window zoom X1 / X2 / X3
Ctrl + M: Toggle Mute

Default controls for gamepad 1 are these:

D-Pad:  Direction arrow keys
Buttons L, R:  Keys Q, W
Buttons Y, X:  Keys A, S
Buttons B, A:  Keys Z, X
Button Start:  Key Return

I hope this can help you until I find the issue.