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Ooh look at you being all responsible and submitting official github issues. Thanks for doing that.

I was so happy that the Godot engine runs so well on my macbook (and without eating battery life, as I discovered while game jamming during a power outage last week), that it really was a downer to think that MacOS is simply not supported for web. In the game you linked I get the WebGL2 error, but a lot of games in the jam are broken in more subtle ways that make it hard to tell. And in the three games I first linked, only one threw that error on Chrome, but all were broken in different ways on both Chrome and Safari, and some were just framerate issues where it's hard to tell who's at fault.

For another example, this game:

In Chrome, for the opening part of the game it runs and I can move around just fine in the lab. But in the next level when I pick up a light, I get a light for a tiny radius on top of my head, seen below. That's the duck's head there near the center. So, is this the developer's bug/design issue, or is it that Godot and Chrome no longer cooperate on rendering lighting graphics? 

The same game, in Safari, it runs fine through the splash screen and opening credits, the menu UI is fine, and then in the first gameplay scene each frame starts to take several seconds.

So for this game, I'm pretty sure it's an incompatibility issue. But it's definitely making it more difficult to play and rate games when this stuff pops up randomly and without giving an error.