From Developer (doing this alone, so even with 96 hours a lot was left out):
WIP - Doesn't have win or lose states, or context, so here is some for duration of gamejam:
- ASDW to move
- Shift to dash
- E to interact
- Space is used in minigames
"Look at this job listing. What are they looking for, a super human for trainee position?"
You have super powers, but it doesn't mean that you don't have to pay rent like all the others. Its been thight but now you got trainee level job in office to pay your bills. If you do great, maybe you'll get a well paying position. But powers bring responsibility for planets well being, but it doesn't pay at all.
At work, shredder is broken and offices new cheaper paper catches on fire for almost no reason. But you have couple of tricks up your sleeve.
This was fun project and many assets were already waiting, so if this consept peaked your interest, let me know. After jam ends, I'm propably gonna implement the basics like win/lose states, tutorial, small story and new global crisises but if you're interested, this might be a fun project for future development.
For future development ideas that some of I kinda already started working on:
- I already had global crisis "UFO attack" ready
- Human NPC:s that would give you tasks
- Idea would be that it would be possible to play multiple days, with light story elements, point being in balancing work and saving people. Maybe some downtime also?
- More scale: Adding a city layer between office and planet. There is also a moon on the sky already, maybe you can visit it?
- More minigames and ability to carry items, to get more out of physic engines chaos. Also new obstacles like waiting for boss to finish his call before you can get more work.
- Music and sound effects