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A member registered Nov 26, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing and nice comment, gave some energy after disappointment of not getting actual playable version out.

I actually uploaded v1.0 that has some animations, actual graphics and bugfixes, if you'd like to see what sort of game I had in mind. Thinking if the idea has merit, as I really liked the consept and been thinking where I would take it if developed further. (Actual storyline that would include decaying surroundings as skeleton guards the dungeon for decades and decades.)

Thank you for nice comment, even though I'm quite embarrased that I couldn't get actual playable version made in gamejams timelimit.

If you'd like to see what kind of idea was supposed to be, I uploaded v1.0 which has more graphics, and a lot of bug fixes. Just interested if the idea has any merit to it, cause I had some ideas how to develop it further and I like the base idea.

Thank you for commenting, sorry that version you played was somewhat impossible to understand. Started making the mechanics, but left tutorials and visuals (wich were really important to get the idea) last and when something went wrong, didn't have time to add them.

If you'd like to see what kind of idea was supposed to be, I uploaded v1.0 which has more graphics, and you should be able to finish it. Just interested if the idea has any merit to it, cause I had some ideas how to develop it further and I like the base idea.

v0.1 and 0.2 were done withing the time limit of GameJam.  Animator proved some difficulties, so sadly I couldn't add my animations. and camera had some challenges so camera was quite close. Trying to add sprites, animations and sound shortly.

This ended up being crude, small and simple prototype for simple AI model, where enemies look around, trying to find treasure, breaking open containers and stealing Rubies.

Idea is that adventurers go around gathering treasure and you lie still in wait, pressing Space to rise up. You don't die, but you lose your unholy energy when moving or when hit and have to wait to rise up again, watching helplessly while they steal artifacts, waiting to gather more energy to attack them.

I wanted to reverse the idea that you want to loot dungeon and so you can't loot treasure yourself. Also the adventuring and moving forward to different places was reversed in that you stay in same place, trying to preserve it. I had vision of Link shattering pots to get Rubies, and wanted that to be bad thing to you.

Really nice to hear that mechanic was interesting , I was quite happy with the initial idea :)
And thanks, made that logo as part of my studies and have been using it to give more professional feel. Still need to actually get to professional level :D

I actually added death in the last two hours, in version 1.0 you can't even die. After adding death and new models to later enemies, game got significantly harder.

I started with idea of mastery of system, but never got controls smooth enough to warrant that.

Thanks for playing and feedback, helps a lot to get perspective :)

Must say that propably used more time 3d modeling pieces that should have gone to hone the mechanics.
Playtested with cubes with better hitboxes, but then got too attached to chess piece idea. Really nice to hear that art was nice and that mechanic was interesting as this was my first selfmade movement mechanic and art for 3d project.

Thanks for feedback :)

Wow... just wow.

Amazing atmosphere. Simple premise but everything just goes together so well. The need to roll twos. And how hard it is to roll when you want is as usually the last bounce turns it around. The problems of letting go and with downloaded version how it goes straight to desktop if things end. Amazing.

Didn't knows that "eyes" of a dice could be so sad and unearthly.

Great job and thanks for experience :)

(1 edit)

Hehe.. hehe.. God is its rought to see that. Nice visuals and audio and its simplicity and gave it raslly fun feel. Idea of game was fun and I really tried to win. But like with others, those ones are rough.

Still nice job as I really wanted to finish this :)

Really fun and relaxing. I love flipping pancakes itl so this hit great.  It took some time to get hang of two dices, but it was so satisfying when I actually started to get hang of it.

Great job!

Fun game. Quick movement, ability to bumb enemies away and jumppads was reallty fun way to keep it moving. Even though at first iI got 185 point without even knowing that there was lava. Rerolling stats was fun idea, but didn't notice it that much and as they were rerolled couple second from last time, didnät have much time to get hang of what does what.

But simple look, nice quick gameplay and possibility to trasin in menu were great.

Nice work! :)

Nice hectic game. First took some time to understand the upgrade system and how it affected game. (Big numbers usually mean good thing, but not now) Static and unusually quick enemies made thing chaotic in fun way, especially as I left couple d10s on pool.  Possibility to mount so many weapons and to upgrade made shooting quite satisfying .

Great job! :)

Really nice puzzler.

Simple mechanics, but good puzzsle design and its great how you needed to start thinking different ways to use dices. Like others, controls could be bit hard and for some reason I kept pushing r instead of e and it resetting everything got some frustration from me. But it kept me thinking and was one of few games I started again to speedrun it.

Great job! :)

(1 edit)

Really interesting idea.

Got orange and blue dice, but didn't get much further. Really great atmosphere and the air of mystery was done really well. Not knowing what dices do and trying to figure it out made nice premise for mystery and hopping between various planess of exxistence were really nice ideas. Playing itself was quite hard and dying at the start was maybe too easy as it was hard to get bearings.  But this felt really alien and I felt lost and it was propably my favorite thing about this. If death wasn't so easy, it would have been fun to see all, but couple deaths where I couldn't see what killed me made it hard to try again.

Still, great job and very unique world.

The lights and sounds were amazing.

Slot machines are now propably my new favorite type of "crates" for supplies that I've seen in an game: had fun just shooting all the slot machines to get the sounds. Fun gameplay, weapon feel turned up quite often which was really nice and enemies were animated well and had nice different ways for attack. Visuals and audio were amazing, really had casino feel come through and feel cool and exciting.

Really great job! :)

I liked the idea of trying to get the feeling of miniature on gaming table and when dices where thorwn it was quite fun moment to see where they land and what they spawn. (Actually got my initial idea for this jams setting from roleplaying games and using whatever miniatures you got to present challenges) Gameplay itself would have benefitted for using it more often to spice things up. but still nice job :)

Thanks for playing, glad to hear that main mechanic was fun :)

I desinged hurtboxes and jumping mechanics with pawn in mind and after bringing bigger pieces to game, I should have play tested them more to tweak it, but time gets away so easily. I had couple ideas to better control the die on air but as I wanted it to be at least somewhat physics based, I couldn't come up with good system that wouldn't add too many controls or make it too easy.

Thank you for your feedback :)

Thanks for playing and nice to hear :)

Really loved shaders and golden art deco style. What did you use for shaders? (Unreal engine isn't that familiar to me)

Crowd reactions and messages were fun way to give character for this game. Gameplay itself was left bit to shadow, I actually got another weapion, but didn't even notice it or dash speed changes.

Nice job! :)

Really nice game!

Took some time to understand the concept. Using multiple dice to choose your movement kept things randomized to hit the theme, but still game options. Sometimes it was hard to figure out how to use pieces, but at the same time maybe the point was that they had many uses.

And atmosphere was amazing! Water, audio,calm gameplay, all supported each other. As fully subjective observation, I fell in love with the "mystery" aspect in level design with huge sword, unnatural stairways etc.

Great job! :)

Nice atmosphere, artstyle and presentation.

Moving around I thought that mayde rolling could have happened more often and reminded what they do. And getting up to firsst elevated level might have needed one more way as when I dropped and if I didn't have right skill, moving forward was quote annoying.

Nice game and especially coherent artstyle, chill music and loved tutorial texts at the wall so could read them and get hang of movement and camera.

Great work! :)

Really nice looking and fun presentation.

Really liked the hands and using them both to change class, but to save from difficult situation as you take damage. Gameplay bit hard, especially as you don't know special abilities and if you take damage, you roll again, so took many death sto understand some abilities. But really nice entry, amazing presentation and I have to add that I really liked different projectiles that acted differently.

Great job!

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I loved this. Graphics, the simple animations and transitions between rooms, different types of bugging (loved the nod to gameoff coding ;) ) and creative solutions. Polished, thought out and fun. Loved the animations when they got bugged out.

Amazing job :)

PS. And forgot to mention collectables, really nice way to bring more attention to detail

Just loved the style and "cutout" animation. And using 3d models with drawn textures just ties the world perfectly together. So much cool stuff in this.

Really nicce job! :)

Simple idea and game, but... being coder on your keyboard and trying to avoid bugs generated a really nice mental picture that resonated as, well, my own game had rough time when I coded too eagerly and didnät check for bugs before it was too late :D

Suprisingly hard maze. Lengtyh of enemies destruction animation and the fact that it hurt you got annoying for my inpatience, but fun simple idea. Liked the knockback of enemies when they were hit and music was nice.

PS: Actually liked the menu suprisingly much, with this setting and theme, nice job

Fun way to take on theme and kinda loved the "bugs in matrix".

Cool graphics and really nice punchy sound. Fun gameplay, though some "platforming" had me bit frustrated, but otherwise really good and challenging game.

Nice job! :)

Fun idea, love taking usual scenarios with different viewpoints. Loved the different stats and possibiulty to sharpen your packing skills, but still, not knowing what kind of customer comess next, kept itself fun challenge. Got to say that propably played this most times again from jam games trying to better my score. 

Great work! :)

I loved how juicy animation and sound was! Great animation, graphics and ssound. Suprised by fun dialogue. Vanguard was just the best one for me. Had lot of fun. Gameplay was fun balance between reaction and pondering choices.

Really nice job! :)

Nice sidescroller, juicy effects and graphics. At first didn't click at all before I got the dash, which opened up the gameplay. Quite hectic start to learn how the game works.

Nice job! :)

Wow, thanks for comment :) Quite happy with the idea and most visuals, still quite unsure how the idea comes through, so great if you got hang of how this relates to theme :)

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I liked audio and cyberpunk spritework. Having upgrades evolved game nicely, but I kinda can see why pistol was so weak in start as using guns breaks most of combat. Bosses were fun additions, first one was quite cool with his flamethrower attack. Nice job :)

Thanks for commenting :)

I think that somehow Player parentobject moved away from body and camera, so rangetoplayer didn't work correctly which propably broke tower and last spell to do after lighting candles.

Very nice to hear that you still enjoyed the game :)

Idea was quite fun, although at first using the interface and understanding modifiers was quite hard. Still great idea, cool music and got me trying to get better score on playing it again.

(2 edits)

Last minute upload for this one man team and starting location is wrong, so you'll need first spell to proceed:

To levitate highlighted object: 1 3 6
To let go of levitated object: 6 3 1
(And I was so proud of organic tutorial :D)

Great game. Elegant in its simplicity, yet puzzles were challenging. Amazing work!

Fun game, liked the concept and presentation a lot. And puzzles gave good feeling of figuring out the system. Great work :)

Very nice game, engaging, fun art and sound :) Took some time to get used to use the devices and noticing that third plate was part of mixing machine. All in all, great work! :)

Thanks for your comment :) Understandable, it required using physic engine and throwing ball aaaand I must admit that it was left in quite buggy state to actually use :D