Glad you enjoyed our game :D
Spent a long time getting to deck to draw properly, to realise. "This is supposed to be automatic" -Nahh let's real-life cardgame this :P
The card's sometimes disappearing is a nasty bug we didn't get fixed in time, no worries as the card just insta-played XD However mobile is safe from this curse. ( As far as I had in testing )
Question marks were supposed to be events, like recruiting a new character, finding a random card, losing a card, getting ambushed, or general lore. Scope & Time made us unable to fully implement this, but we kept it in to balance the map's rng a bit better and to show future plans.
Blizzard should be 2 turn stun. However as status conditions were too broken to keep in final build, blizzard currently is just a fashion card that slipped in the cracks.
Had a great time working together with the team, and I want to fully implement all cards our artists drew. As of now, it's quite the spaghetti in places :P