General Feedback: Visual style is awesome, and the sound effects complement it quite well too.
Game play experience: It is rather simple IMO, but I still had fun. I feel like I found a strategy to largely cheese the progression though; all I had to do was to keep kiting the enemies and hunt down the pieces without bothering to shoot them at all, and it worked just fine because the bullets move too slowly to be much of a danger. I was able to easily get through all the upgrades in that way, however, the strategy failed when too many enemies spawned with their bullets and whatnot and the game started to lag, which forced me to start fighting back, and eventually lose at around 6700 points. While it was definitely necessary to have some mechanic to prevent kiting, I’m sure you’d agree that performance issues is not the most elegant option :,) maybe object pooling would be a good start.
Things I think could make it feel better and/or give it more depth:
Adjustment of the bullet speeds, enemy spawn rates and movement speeds. (but honestly, these are hard to balance within a jam duration, so I can’t blame you there.)
Either try to improve performance, or limit the number of enemy spawns, or provide an AOE special attack to obliterate huge hordes of enemies occasionally.
The map limits were visible. I think there should be an easy way to keep bounds while also faking an infinite background. Maybe simply drawing a slightly larger texture for it would suffice.
There should be a UI element to show how many upgrade fragments you have collected so far.
Overall: I think visually its neat and it feels nice to play, but it definitely needs more depth. I’m sure you can expand upon the concept, given more time. I also felt that it wasn’t particularly inspired by the theme (perhaps the bigger ships could’ve had some other unique perks than just larger health and more bullets), but I don’t think that’s much of a problem since the theme is largely meant to inspire, not necessarily to strictly adhere.