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That's an creative idea!
A mix of visual styles is an interesting decision!
Physics are a little wonky, items flying around the table and don't want to stay at place!

It's cool! Had my fun!

(1 edit)

Regarding the physics, this should be a bug. I am a beginner and don’t have experience with Unity 3D physics systems yet. I believe reducing the bounce of items and adding mechanisms to ensure objects stay within the game screen will improve the gaming experience. Your comment gave me a lot of encouragement, thank you so much! Thank you for playing and for raising these issues, it has been very helpful to me!

Nah, don't worry. We all have our own problems with physics.
At least physics don't affect your gameplay too much.
And you want to see how jankiness can affect gamplay you can play our submission :)

Thanks for the recommendation! I tried your game and really enjoyed it. It gave me some great insights into how bugs can positively impact gameplay.

I'm not sure how about positive affection... But it definitely impact gameplay :)
Thank you again for your detailed feedback!