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A member registered Dec 04, 2016 · View creator page →

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Give me some paid DLC, like OST or something.
I want to give you my money!

This game is such an eye opener. I always felt that roguelike games with heavy RPG and without permadeath aspects as Cave of Qud or Moonring... There are not many of them.

Yeah, I know, what without permadeath and RPG elements it's more roguelite but point still stands.
There are not many games like Elona, CoQ, Moonring and such.
But many more "classic" roguelikes.

Thank you for feedback! Tetris idea might be neat to implement, if only there was more time to think and to implement! 
As non-artist really like when people say what they like art and visuals. It was one of focuses for the project :)

Gosh, that was suprising and intence! I really like it.

First stage is gorgeous. Lovely art and animations, simple but delivering sounds and music. Nicely made puzzles which allows to think but not hard enough. In this part I only want to mention about metal bar visibility as it looks like part of the stairs and I didn't notice it at all. Those prank animations are very enjoying! And the moment dog because angry - oh boy.

Second stage was surprising! Once it started I thought it might be not a good idea to mix puzzle with side-scrolling shooter mechanic. I'm still think it's debatable as it's messing with player's expectation and sometimes it's too much. Like, if I would like to play puzzle, I will be bored with side-scrolling elements. But Nier Automata exists and plenty of other games, so it's debatable, as I said.

Returning to the second stage. It starts slowly, so I thought it would be a passable stage. But once dog started to shoot lasers from eyes I was very into it. In the end there was chaos and I enjoyed it. I think second stage needs more polish than first stage. So there would be more feedback:
- First run I was just running left and right . Because of dog movement I thought what I can move only horizontally. Second try I tried to jump and was suprised I can move in all directions
- Ambigious character collision block. Usually in bullet-hell games player has very tiny collider. If you make it the same as player sprite it would feel... wrong. It might counter intuitive but it's the same as "coyote jump". This "collider" usually pretty visible and somewhere near the center of sprite so player starts to recognize which part of himself he needs to save from bullets.
- Because of some angles enemy can shoot and bullets can fly it looks like there is no way but just go through bullets, sometimes. That's usually what developer would like to avoid. Redicing collision also can help with it to allow player depend on his skill and not be soft locked by situation
- Auto shoot while mouse button is pressed. Press to shoot each time is enjoyable for big "badabum" and impactful things. But for regular shooing - it's annoing.
- Increase bullet speed. The first urge for a player to put a mouse over enemy and shoot. With current bullet speed you need to "guess" position of enemy and shoot where enemy will be. It might work in some games but here player need a lot of attention to the ground, so extra attention for enemy velocity and future position seems a little bit off.
- If incresing bullet speed is not an option or to provide something extra, it might be helpful to change enemy movement pattern to "stop - shoot - move - repeat" so player can avoid moving cursor left and right and just make a lot of damage to enemy while he is standing..

Heh... That was much... I really enjoyed the game.
You have my 5/5 on each category (not many games have), so count that when you'll read my feedback :)

I'm not a professional artist but can try to articulate what might be the reason:
- Art uses different color pallete for different elements
- Different art style and detalization. Characters have dithering and shading. Background and foreground buildings have plain color with little detail.
- Parallax background looks weird, it might be because off wrong speed applying
- Clouds in a foreground looking not good, very static

Thank you for feedback! Yes, it seems there might be more of strategical and meta gaming here. 

Cool concept! Player needs to strategically think whom wants to invite and how it'll affect gameplay during the night. Would like to see more juicy and polished top-down gameplay as for now it feels a little bit clunky and hard to control. Especially when fighting with those bomb throwing creatures.

Like art style and the premise of the game! Interesting lore, it seems the game has more to tell. Great job, enjoying it a lot!

I stopped playing like... after wave 30 or something :) I wasn't sure what I can lose.
Cool game! Love it! Great fluid animation!
Wish there more usage for fundament part like allowing to build something.
Looks very cool. Like that sprite-align changes when build towers!

Very solid entry! Great art design, animations, vfx  and overall visual appeal. Gameplay wise it was fun to play, new buildings helps to feel the game anew and enemies were interesting to handle!

Some feedback:
- As with many games during the jam (including mine) there was not enough info to plan ahead. You don't know how buildings work before placing them. Don't understand how hard they hit and range of them. Also, you don't know whom you'll meet as enemies.
- At first there was interesting tutorial-like "select home building" introduction and I thought it will consist of several steps which will let me to know how to play. But second step never came. I quickly understand what you need to place building somewhere but wasn't sure how and what'll happen.
- Also, it feels like there some misalignment for shooter element of the game. When I hover over enemies it seems I found myself trying to guess how I need to place a cursor to hit enemies.
- When I build a second home it did nothing. I didn't understand what it is and how it supposed to work and why it doesn't shoot as first one.
- I wish there were more sounds in the game.

I enjoyed the game pretty much! Looks very nice and fun was delivered! Thank you!

Your game is cool! My 5/5 in all categories is yours :)

Thank you for feedback! Speaking of stylish graphics - you beat me on that :)

Gosh it was an amazing game! Very addicting! I like all of it! Consistent art style, nice and smart game mechanic, interesting core loop, upgrades and enemy progression, great utilization of physics and it's humour!

Not all was goals and rules were delivered to the player before the actual game but it was fine because after first try you immediately understand what to do!

Very cool entry! Keep doing what you doing!

Thank you for feedback!
Story progression and upgrades definitely can work here but time limit said it won't be in the jam entry :)

Thank you for this game! Writing is nice and idea is cool! Enjoyed the mystery and story teliing through environment. Very nice!

Some feedback:
- different art styles works not good together
- UI at the bottom can appear only during dialogue events and not be shows for the whole time
- walking speed can be increased, so it would be not as tedious to walk from place to place
- it's a little bit hard to navigate at first. It's not that bad - there are not so many ways to go, so it was intuitively easy to find how to complete the goal
- footsteps sounds were a little bit distracting

Great entry! Glad you've managed to put that in a jam! Interesting was it supposed to end with a cliffhanger or it was because lack of time? :)

Thank you for feedback! Those invisible boundaries are indeed pretty annoying. 

A lot of great stuff incoming I see!

As I said before: don't forget to comment THE GAME because I threat THE GAME comment section as to-do list for checking games!
I hope the comment section will not blast because until now I've checked all games in the comment section and I would like to have that achievement in future :)

And now I'll tell you about another game I really really like.

Seaside Picnic
Can be played on browser.
A visual novel with unique interactions, great art and music.
It's really wonderful game. If I didn't knew I wouldn't never thought it was made for a jam.

Sure I want. And sure I did :)

Checked yours! Your game is cool! And so you are!

Thanks for feedback! Played yours and definitely had some fun with it!

Wow... Great art and atmosphere. Some great shooting mechanics and upgrade system here.
I had some fun... But not in the way you meant to :)

Did you know, what you can bring your gun cooldown to negative number? And after that you can shoot only once in a day? And when cooldown is zero it shows -0 and have the same effect as negative number?
Did you know, what you can repeat level even after game over screen and survive the wave even when your hp is below zero?
Did you know what cost for Gun Cooldown is 25 but label says 20?
DId you know after day 30 or something with 0.01 reload speed I'm still dying?

Fun little gem! Love it :)

This animation was the first what was created... From this animation the game was born...

You lost the bet. I read tutorial at the itch page before playing :)
But it didn't help me at first, ha-ha :)

That was fun fast-pacing strategy! Like it a lot! It didn't allow to relax for a minute. Player need constantly do something to prevent their city to be destroyed. Really liked the game. It definitely needs some polishing, a tutorial and some UX improvement to help better understand what's happening and how to play but other than that this is a great example of a great game jam entry!

Every time when someone saying what this game has cool graphics it makes me happy as I usually do not draw and not good at visuals :)

Very nice cooking game! Like the twist that your character is feeling hunger as well! And those interactions with Zeus are cool!
Art is nice and do the job! Even dialogues are present which is a nice touch!

Some feedback:
- you can cook meat by placing two salt
- some textures are on top of the player which is not looking nice
- pixel size in pixel art mismatch is noticeble
- you can pick up meat and place it in oven and then pick up pizza dough... and then you can't do anything
- I though at first what you need to pick up food when it's ready... it seems it's not necessary as it appears in your hands immediately after cooking... realization of which helps with playthought but wasn't obvious and I'm not sure if this is intentional or not
- I'm not sure why you need to split the game on two screens... I think it would work in one screen better
- food recipies will help for new players... because at first it's just trial and error which not help in this game. It's not as bad as you get used to it though.
- text reveal on click in dialogues would be nice, not all people like to watch text appear animation
- show where and what you've put already can help for people with short memory as me

That was fun, idea is cool! I've spent fun time with it!
Thank you for this game!

And done from me, too!
You have my detailed feedback! I hope it wasn't too much detailed :)

Thank you! As for a non-artist it's a big complement :)

That was an interesting gameplay experience! Tower defense with interesting twist what you need to gather resources while you're building. Nice art and cool tower ideas.

Feedback time:
- it wasn't obvious for me what it's a tower defense until wave came out. Even when I started to realise what I'm playing a tower defense game I wasn't sure which place I should to protect and from where enemies will come. Visual clues about routes can help with that.
- I wasn't sure what to build at the start of the game. Game give nothing to little info about how towers work and how they are different. It's crucial to give a player enough info to allow players to plan their defense
- it wasn't very obvious how you should gather resources. Happily it was intuitive to try and I'm glad what it happens automatically when close enough
- UI about tower cost wasn't recognized at first glance. I discovered the cost only when I deliberately tried to figure that out
- This game rewards player inactivity. The gameplay loop is basically: stay near the wood/rock -> wait -> build tower -> move to next resource. From this loop 90% of time is waiting. It's a hard gameplay task to fix in that game. While some game like Plants vs Zombie can be described as similar but that's not true. In other games player generate resources during the wave automatically/by killing enemies or by placing some towers aka flowers which allow to have enough resources to react when some of their defenses not work during the wave income. In this game player is bound to the resource placement and can't move while will not gather enough resources to build
- for myself I found the most expensive stone tower is to be more powerful than others. When I created stone wall with them near the "enemy's goal" I was just watching how enemies stumble in them and died. I wasn't sure when difficulty progression exponentionally jumps to change this tactics so I found no reasons for that. Usually in games like that there are different types of units and each tower works better on some things and other towers work with other enemies. Also, issue about not enough info about towers (maybe there is a meaningful tactic to use other towers) will not let me discover those tactics.

I liked to play this game! This was interesting one to play and to think about. Thank you for this submission!
I hope you enjoyed your game jam experience :)

Did the same for you :)

Thank you for your game!

Thanks you for playing! Glad you liked the game and highlighted another great game for me. By your comment. I mean your game :)

Gosh, those AAA artists leave no chances for programming art :)

Very cool entry. Liked it a lot! One of not many 5/5 on all categories. Cool art, atmosphere, sound design, gameplay features, implementation is top. Polished and great. 

Feedback time: 

- didn't understand the need to choose character at start and first section of the game when you get y materials. It seems what game will lose nothing of you just remove those parts. But they may be a little confusing when you occidentally collide with darkness during first phase

- when choosing character is hard to understand who you want to pick because you can't understand how useful they are

- the same as previous but for supplies: it's hard to understand what and why you want to collect. Even more confusion applied to the different inventory space what each item has different "weight".

- don't understand the preparation stage as you can't read descriptions and "weight" beforehand and even if player could it would be too much info to plan something. And even if you plan a lot at this stage I don't see too much impact on the overall gameplay. You can only screw yourself by not saving characters

- UX part could be improved, to help player to navigate through menus and highlight important beats. Most of information shown by text. Even highlighting with colors thirst, hunger and other low parameters will help a lot I think. Even more if add some iconographic.

- open book each day is like a extra step to the helpful info. Art is gorgeous but it might be optional to look at every day. Or it might be "the status page" itself. If integrated correctly it can be a great visual representation with enough information to be part of the gameplay loop

As usual, the more I like the game, the more feedback I'm trying to bring. This one was amazing 5/5 experience! 

In my "internal" representation of the theme: the storm was "storm of enemies". So It's kinda calm before the storm... And yeah... Borders on the ground should be a sand storm which wasn't implemented... So it could be interpretetad as "calm storm before sand storm"... Anyway have what I have :)

Yeah. Have a controller and just checked yours! Very cool and polished entry!

This was a really solid and polished game! Such cool visuals and great gameplay loop!
I really enjoy intense gameplay at last levels! Liked a map. It wasn't boring and with some story in it.

Some feedback:
- I wish game started to be challenging faster. First ~50 enemies are pretty easy to kill and gameplay feels repetative until later.
- I wish power ups will come more frequent. It seems they fall when you kill some amount of enemies. Like milestones. It's not as fun as if they were a little bit more random and were more like "a surprise" not just "you progressed and now you can be stronger".
- More about power ups. First one should fall earlier to let player know what there is some progression up ahead. Until wave 3 it seems what game will not progress gameplay-wise and there just will be more enemies. Once first power-up falls I was interested to check what will be on later levels.
- It was a little bit hard to understand where I can walk through and where I can stuck. In some intense moments was afraid what I can stuck somewhere where I haven't tried to walk.
- It wasn't obvious for me what I'll die from first touch. I thought about it but wasn't sure until first death.
- Allowing to play not only from controllers could be useful, but you already know it :)

Great game, polished execution, very well made! Thank you!

Ohhh... That's so great to hear! Glad you enjoyed it! Liked your entry a lot too. 

Very nice art and music! Enjoyed the game very much! Especially like the main character and animation of it. Simple and effective.

Some feedback:
- Art inconsistency is very noticeble in this entry... I wish background was stylish as player and enemy sprites. Reminds me ToeJam and Earl in some ways.
- More about art inconsistency. DIfferent pixel art styles and pixel sizes work not great togeter. Also, some background sprites were on top of enemy sprites.
- Ammo counter was confusing. It was going up and not down as usual in games
- Enemies can hurt you while dying which was unexpected
- Player "hurt" effect wasn't clear enough for me. Maybe a little sound effect or more visual elements to show "hey, you was hurt by something"
- Didn't understand the difference between blue and red hearts
- The "tutorial dude" required you to be at some specific point which I still don't understand was a little bit strange for me. Maybe just allowing show tutorial text when close enough could work better. Also, it might be not need to have this guy for the whole game as if player started to play for some time it's unluckly player needs to check him again.

Overall very cool, stylish and dynamic top down shooter. Liked it a lot, thanks!

I'm constantly reminded what the last thing I didn't have time to add was the most noticeble issue :)

As a bonus I can share some interesting games to play which I already checked!

Solar Storm on the ISS - playable in browser

A cool 3D game where you need to fly around the space ship and fix it!
Very good 0-gravity movements and looking cool!

Thank you for the game! Really enjoyed the platforming, dialogues and premise of the game!
Like this hub-like bar with many characters.

Some feedback from me:
- platforming can be done more enjoyable by making different things, like improving base speed of player, allowing double jump, adding "coyote time" or making level layout not require so much jump precision.
- it's not so obvious what to do. With this can help more UI elements helping with navigation. Hightlight when current goal is completed and how elements looks like in the UI can improve that.
- At first I thought what you can collect nails in several rounds. Why allowing player to return without nails if it'll lead him to game over? 
- Art inconsistency is visible. Like, different pixel art style and pixel size.
- Using presets from plugins (like dialogic) can help with speed but it's look similar with many other who use presets, so with time it started to look cheap
- The lightning appears so random and unpredictable so it feel unfair to lose progress because of it. It might be charged before appear or something like that to allow player to "get ready" and do something and dodge the attack.

That was pleasant experience! I feel what scope is a little bit big for a jam. Non-linear level layout, dialogues, abilities, stats increment. It might be done smaller and more polished. But I enjoyed it! Will be glad to see you on next jams!

Checked yours! It's great! Thank you for comment!