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MC looks ugly af. Who will want to play as this neckbeard?


The MC looks fine to me.


For all of us !!


Ya all just brainwashed by the woke mind virus that states ugly is beautiful now. Not surprised.


why are you getting so worked up? so strange it almost feels like bait


You've revealed the secret agenda of this whole project, well done sir


We need an android version of this beautiful game to further spread the agenda :3

The Android build just released!


I'm not woke and I think the MC looks ok. Not all gay people are femboys. Some, unfortunately, even look like you. I meant on the inside...

(1 edit) (+2)

How being manly and ugly is woke?

I tought that theory was all about over feminizing men (cuz a delicate man can still look manly and use a GUN) and stuff, relax, we love ourselves and love what we are, men, simply men


MC look good, make me wonder how he looks like when he shift


me I wanna play as this neckbeard.


Thou has bad taste

He sexy AF, wTFdym?

He's okay honestly. I'm crazy about him, but he looks good enough. Muscular, masculine, it fits. Makes more sense than some overly gay twink type.

Only human character that threw me off so far was Amia, but hey, at least she's not the MC.