Managed to snatch this error message. Not a pygame-guy myself but seems like its related to the audio.
If you manage to find the bug i would love to try the game:)
My specs (if it helps in any way):
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X, 16 GB RAM, RTX 2080, Windows 10 Home - fully updated, no weird sound card or funky audio-drivers installed.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 9, in <module>
File "data\scripts\", line 62, in run
self.scenes[scene].update(self.renderer, self.input, self.scenes)
File "data\scripts\", line 89, in update
File "framework\", line 99, in update
File "framework\", line 36, in update
pygame.mixer.Channel(, volume)
pygame.error: Unsupported audio channels