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I played the the 0.5 and the visual changes are okay. But I personally prefer the old one. Also, it would be better if new damage indicator (hearts blinking) can be turned off in settings. Its amazing to see the creator actually hearing players suggestions. This game is one of my favourites all-time.


The graphics were reverted to the previous style. I think adding an option to turn off damage indicator is a good idea, thank you

That is true.

You see this one typing detailed answers with bullet points, like it's their job to keep us happy or something, when we have already received something cool for free. 

This is the true wonder of sites like ITch with free distribution.

I feel like the majority of people do not review, or even rate, titles, but it's always important to leave a "Hey, this is cool , and this worked out well" sortof a message.

Surely we can all understand how somebody getting only " suggestions", however well meaning, can be a bit draining. Ironically, this can be doubly true when the suggestions have a true and valid point.

I feel no soft shows remarkable grace, as the commentators show equal restraint (or vice versa?), in hearing out these "suggest-icisms", without bending their creative vision.

On the flip side, no other game or studio has creators actively listening and responding to fans.

When i made a comment about the lighter mechanic and got a response that was the first time I felt my input was directly heard on a project.

That was a founding moment for me in regards to this site, as somebody who stays away from all social media, memes, and podcasts....