I loooved the visuals of this one! It really set a good mood for a horror game. With all the sounds and the light. The vibe really is what sold it for me, and I'm amazed that all that could be built in essentially 4 days!
There are two things I found harder in this game:
- Mood wise it was so good! But it often became hard to see what was going on. While moving often the camera just panned to a blob of black and/or other neon colors. I initially had a hard time finding the "consumable item" as the syringes were very small, but they also glowed in the same color as some background lamp. I ran towards the lamp first, tried and nothing happened, and just didn't pick up on the syringes because I thought they were shards or something. Similarly the exists/doors were often just really hard to see at all. Not because they were hard to find, but because a lot of it was just a patch of dark.
- I find the controls were a bit over sensitive. One of them I had to jump over shelves that had a big gap in them and that needed multiple tries because even a slight tap of the space key would make me jump overboard and fall into the gap. And the narrow space would become hard to see and finding your way back was a bit dizzying. I think I only got through that part by chance and not by skills. Alternatively, the environment could have been built with the slippery controls in mind so that the jumps won't just so make you fall into the gap.
Overall an ambitious but cool game! Good job achieving all of this in one game jam!