Gorgeous game, excellent vibe. The song's really good for the tone of the game, but it might be worth while to try and loop it or else shorten the countdown to match? Music ran out before my timer ran out, which ended up being really....interesting? It felt almost intentional, but I feel like the length of time between the music running out and the timer running out was just a little Too Long to feel like it was supposed to happen.
I was also a bit confused about how exactly to capture the enemy bases? I spent most of my time shooting enemies and trying to avoid allied bases/friendlies, to the point where my Defeat screen glitched out and the enemy stamps completely covered the score text. I somehow captured three bases, but I'm still not actually sure how I managed that, or even when it happened.
I also wasn't actually able to understand the audio feedback of "Allied Base Destroyed/New Allied Base" until the music cut out - not necessarily a bad thing, but it does seem like it might be important to know, so maybe some kind of visual message on screen as well?
Overall enjoyed this game, would love to see a more fleshed out, polished version.