Thanks for playing and for the feedback.
My decision to put the jump/shoot button to the up key was for the simple reason so that it could be played with one hand. Perhaps it was my selfish decision as the developer since if the game could be played with one hand I could click the test button with my right hand while playing with my left hand XD. I didn't think it was awkward but I will keep that in mind. Perhaps I could have made the control with A, D, and space?
I'm glad you like the enemy design. It was simple, much simpler than what I usually do - but I guess art does not need to be so sophisticated.
Yes. I too want to add more enemies, more bullets, more complex bullet patterns, and many more contents. But as you have realized time was unfortunately lacking. There are also some features that had to be cancelled (I wanted to make down button for bomb using power up)
Also glad you think the SFX fits. Kinda wish I had added some music tho... too bad I did not have time to compose this time :(
Again thanks for playing