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So, I'm a little confused

This mod is intended for the latest version of Strive V5.25, and its basically a much more improved version of Aric's Expansion Mod.  My main point of confusion is what the mods overall goal is? I'm just curious if anyone has a general overview summary of the mod? I.E. Why should I give up on my current modded saves in V5.22b for this mod, and is it well enough along to be worth it?

Updated the main post with a general overview of the mod with examples of the new systems and some changes. Keep in mind that you can always try it out by making a second game data file (just name it 5.25) and Strive Folder in App Data. Just rename the one you aren't using to something else and let the 5.25 make a new App Data folder, then you just rename to switch back and forth easily enough.


Thank you for your help, i'm going to try try it tomorrow.