"If the pregnancy isn’t wanted from the start, there’s a chance of her gaining the WantedPregnancy each day."
It doesn't seem this is the case though? setWantedPregnancy() looks like it's only designed to fire once. And the talk event it can trigger doesn't make any changes to the .wantedpregnancy var.
In any case, it that function doesn't seem to be working properly regardless, even with non-incest pregnancies:
if mother.consentexp.pregnancy == true: mother.pregexp.wantedpregnancy = true
Should mean that preg consent should automatically mean wanted baby, no? Yet despite having consent from every slave I've knocked up, I've still had to edit it to true in the save.
EDIT: Welp, I think I see the problem:
setWantedPregnancy() doesn't appear to ever actually get called in the first place - there's no reference to it outside its declaration in expansion.gd