This one is so great. Very creative mechanics, and great graphics. The audio is although minimal, very adequate for the game. Very very fun puzzle game in general. 5/5 on all categories from me.
I have two complains though... the first one is... I wonder if it's just me, but sometimes I confuse the button for reset and the button to change genre... I think the reset button should just be put on a corner or something? If you are using Godot like I think you are (that loading screen is sooo Godot so you probably are), it is as easy as adding a button node and make that node send signal to a node that can reset the world.
Another complain is that... how was I supposed to know that sometimes velocity is retained under certain conditions, or that a button stomped will stay stomped when changing genre? Although it becomes a very good trick to make clever puzzle (esp. for the last one -- nice level design there), it was logic-breaking and not intuitive, and I think they need some more proper introduction stages