Cool idea! Maybe it's just me, but I kept forgetting my spells. xD Maybe the songbook could stay open on the side the entire time? Or maybe the animation when opening the book could be a little bit faster, so you can peek at the songs faster. Also, it feels a bit unnatural closing the book with a different button than I opened it with. I feel like if S would open AND close the book, it would feel more natural and wouldn't throw me off. The background music started being a bit repetitive at the end, but maybe that's just me. Speaking of repetitive: Maybe the spells could have their own abilities? I just always used the most damaging spell available, so the game felt a bit repetitive because the spells were kinda the same. But then, this IS a game jam game after all, and maybe I just didn't come across the cool spells during my playthrough.
All in all, a well executed idea!