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Hi! Here's what I got done over the last two days:

  • Added ability to see resource changes in resource menu
  • Farm now shows connection line to city properly
  • New city texture
  • City name is smaller now
  • Trade routes now show trade routes to player city
  • Trade route lines are smaller now
  • Construction site textures updating correctly now
  • Added ability to see funds in trading menu
  • Added characters stats info in drop down menu

Here's what's still on the list:

  • Add unit icon for colour-blind friendliness
  • Add ability to change unit characters
  • Add option to hide city name
  • Clay pit overlapping with city names

Also: Feedback is greatly appreciated! -> The prototype's goal is to get feedback on the game, a few people have played it already, but I haven't got any feedback via the comment section. So, if there's something you want to point out, feel free to leave a comment!