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Liked the idea, but there are some things that frustrated me, so I'll try to give some constructive feedback if you wanna continue this project or expand the game :)

The colors yellow and blue didn't ring any bell to me, didn't tap on any common knowledge that would help me learn which of them make large or tiny, so I kept using the wrong projectile, shrinking when I wanted to scale and vice-versa. I think green to grow and red to shrink would make it easier to learn and the game more readable. Green is commonly 'good' in games, and 'red' bad, so good to grow and bad to shrink I think would make more intuitive. But ideally, the guns could have different shaped guns and projectiles, like a "+" and a "-" for projectiles and like a big crossbow for "+" e a tiny laser gun for "-", this would help a lot too.

On the first level with a box, there were no clues that the box would also be affected by the projectiles, so I kept trying to stack the two boxes on the starting size, and it was really janky. Got so frustrated I almost quit haha but I ended up completing that level stacking the box, to later learn that the box could also scale and shrink. The physics with the boxes are a bit janky. The box slides and it always moved more than I intended to move them, and many times I had to reset the level for tiny mistakes that I didn't feel was  my fault.

I did not finish the game as I ended up a bit frustrated, sorry. Maybe I'll try again later

Despite these details, I think the game is cool, there are some cool puzzles with these mechanics. Solid game, great entry and congratulations!


Thanks for the great feedback, really appreciate you keeping it real! A lot of your critiques we were already aware of during development but kinda ran out of time to properly tweak and polish all of it unfortunately but such is the nature of a game jam.

The idea with the colour of the guns was to have yellow represent the sun and blue the moon, i.e. something big and something small, but then we ended up forgetting to show that anywhere, maybe if we had implemented that somewhere the colours might've been more intuitive but perhaps a more direct approach like you suggested would've been better.

Anyway thank you for playing! I also thought we made it really hard xD. It's always great to have detailed feedback so we can improve for next time :)