Wow, this was such a great entry! Really loved this. It reminded me a bit of The Incredible Machine, a game I used to play for hours! Love tinkering and figuring out the solutions. The quirkiness reminded me of old point-and-click adventures like Day of the Tentacle, Grim Fandango, and Monkey Island. Loved that.
The puzzles were nicely fine-tuned so that you couldn't brute force them. The tutorial was informative and liked how it slowly built up to the moment you were on your own. After that, the difficulty suddenly shot up significantly! Would do a bit more of a gradual progression.
I think the effects on the voice (the delay on the end) could do with a bit of polish. Really enjoyed the music, though. It fit the vibe of the game perfectly. Also, it felt a bit disorientating when the "Level Complete" sfx and music mixed. Would maybe lower the volume of the music while that sound is playing.
All in all, this was amazing and liked playing it. Definitely think this is a project worth pursuing. Great work!