It's cool to see a 3D metroidvania in a jam. And this one is pretty well executed to boot!
The combat works well. At first I though the basic enemies were a bit too easy to stun-lock, but once you have to deal with multiples of them and turrets it can make for some tricky fights. The roll feels like it could have a bit less distance - it was often disorienting to use and was hard to avoid rolling off ledges. The lightning (?) power trivialised combat, but I think that was the point. It was fun being able to just blast enemies after I got it.
The platforming is pretty good too. Having a double jump as an early upgrade is nice to give you a bit of extra control in the air. The wall run is neat as well, if a little finicky. The one platforming bit I didn't like was the first wall run you have to do after getting the power. Landing on the platform requires some precision and took me a lot of tries. The rest of the wall run bits in the game were way more lenient - it's weird that the first one was the hardest.
The presentation is also solid. The music and sounds effects are fitting - I like how it fades between the normal music and battle music when you fight an enemy. The character are models are simple but charming, and nicely animated.