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(1 edit)

Ooooh thanks so much. Nice and detailed feedback, much appreciated.

battle freeze:

…that is weird! Happened to me once a long while ago, thought I fixed it : ( Sorry!


There should always be two ingredients ready for grab. You can use the magnifying glass to seek them out : ) When you hold Dunk, there’s only a subtle hint as to where they are. Also, yes: only after the bits of dialog does Dunk add the ingredient to the chopping queue, and is the next one spawned…


…during storybits you mean? I was thinking to maybe pause time whenever you grab the magnifier, but as long as you don’t progress the dialog, nothing state-changing will happen, really. But yes it feels chaotic with the grub lady continually passing through and the actors seemingly go about their business ^^ I kind of like that chaos myself, but duly noted. …what did you feel you needed a restart for?


Yeah didn’t look into that, the testing rooms are pretty random, depending on old bechanics still here and there. I’ll put it on the list!

battle mechanics:

Thanks so much! Excellent points. At the risk of sounding defensive, a few clarifications:

  • Time should freeze when you’re holding a character, giving you space to make a tactical decision. Are you sure it didn’t for you? I think it does continue when youre dropping the character but still holding the potion. Making a note : )
  • oooh an undo, that would be sweet! Will have a hard think on how to do that gracefully, might be hard
  • …yes it is still waaaay too easy to accidentally hit your party members, or drop potions on enemies ^^. I desperately want to keep that open, thinking about mechanics like: needing to hit a friend to cure confusion, or dropping health potions on undead to make them hurt : ) I should make it more visually clear which character you’re actually targetting, in the least. It’s way too hit’n’miss now.

Thanks so much!

Re: restart, when the game froze in the battle and I was going to play through again was the only moment I was wanting an in game way to restart - rather than take off headset and close - run the exe again.

Re: battle pause, it’s very possible I didn’t notice the pause when holding - perhaps extend the pause when holding a potion to use as well? Idk, all these things are so subjective and subtle changes can make a big impact.

Great work so far. Thank you for sharing

Yes same thought wrt the potion-holding : ) also I should really add a time-slows-down and time-speeds-up sound effect in there!


Added sound indicators to time freeze, this should be much clearer, no?