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Great level puzzle design and difficulty progression! I especially liked how new mechanics were introduced in way to the player that they could test it out at the start of the levels. It took be a bit to realize I couldn't walk off ledges at first. I got up to level 8 before it became too hard for me to move around the spikes. I didn't realize at first that spikes where instant death since the sprite remains around for a bit, I thought there might be a little leeway in how much you can hit the spikes. Having a little game over sound and/or a sprite animation (like it shrinking) would have cleared up that confusion (but little time during the jam, I get it). Great entry, loved that it featured tardigrades! 

(1 edit) (+1)

thanks for the feedback! I’m actually updating the game as soon as the jam ends, and one of the things I’m implementing is the better death animation and sound!