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A member registered Jul 03, 2016 · View creator page →

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Nice polish! I think I would like if there were more different type of potions to pick up and put in an inventory that I get to choose when I use.

It took a few tries to get used to the throw, and then it felt really well done! I loved tossing it to the side and then doing a 2nd throw to smash it into them.

Nice! It does feel really good when you do a bunch of dashes in a row.

This is great. I've wanted to do some similar mechanics myself, good job making it work and feel good. Took me a little bit to get the controls, partially because I was ignoring the prompts in the earlier levels and just goofing around. The last level was perfect, I thought I was stuck from completing until I took a second to think about it.

Great mood, if that was a category here. I played it for a while and saw different stuff but then couldn't figure out if there was supposed to be an ending or if I wasn't getting it, now reading the game page on itch I feel like I wasn't doing the right thing (randomly walking forward or backward).  I'll have to give it another try later. 

Played all the way through, I enjoyed it. I loved when new mechanics where revealed. General difficulty progression seemed good that the last couple where pretty hard. I had to use all the hints on the 2nd to last level. A bit hard to tell where to put sometimes but the dark draw lines where helpful.

Leaping Lizards! Some of those lizards need a soft Elysia hand to catch them as they yeet themselves down the hill! I could spawn around 10 without it turning into a slideshow on my potato computer. I do love using a jam to try out new things! Watching them go jumping was fun. 

BUGS! It took be a bit to get handle on the hit box for collection. I also didn't realize at first that I could scroll left and right. Love the art, fantastic lady beetle. It would have been fun to have to chase the bees more, I seemed to always catch them loitering around. Music pairs great. I only ran out of capacity once, otherwise didn't seem to need the upgrades, as I would catch some and then there would be enough of a lull that would cause me to go back to the barn to sell. Some visual feedback letting you know you are at capacity would be good. (Apologies for any obvious suggestions that you just didn't have time to get to during the jam, I can sympathize with not having enough time to complete everything) 

That feeling when you finally get the perfect tile you were waiting for. 😘👌
I didn't understand the placement of blank tiles (the plain green or brown ones), I would be able to place it areas I assumed I would be able to.

I had some load issues where it would hang my entire browser and I would need to close it, maybe I was clicking too fast on the screen before it was loaded? not sure, but I did get it working by just waiting and not touching anything until a few moments after it loaded. Great art, maybe would have been nice to see where the items were going to placed so I wouldn't get a failure when it looked like I was placing it in the right spot, hard problem to solve for the user though. Maybe just making it a little more forgiving would work. Liked that it was different each time.

Very hard game, but the dash is a nice addition for a flappy genre that made it much more interesting imo. The different controls was also a nice touch. I had a hard time knowing how close I could get to the pillars without failing. I assume any touching fails but often seems very sudden. Would be nice to either have a little extra room or have some sort of visual feedback of how close you are? Not sure, that might just be part of a flappy game.

The pre generated song is great. Love the vowels. I played around with it for a bit but it gave me game jam flash backs of trying to generate a song for a game without knowing what I was doing 😨

How do I give you 10 stars for that song?!

The walk sound effect was too similar to the music playing in game, so it kind of blended in a weird way. The graphics of the player and lizards was good, nice simple and good looking. 

Wait, what am I doing with all the lizards...

Can confirm, no violence. Great progression of different mechanics and fun little story. I did hit a stage where I had 2 mismatched socks left, I tried clicking on all the other matched socks (since I did have socks spawn or get placed on top of each other before), not sure if I was missing something or soft locked. But top scores across the board. Good job.

At first I was confused and felt like the player was outside the game window, which is kind of and interesting effect.  The game is very intuitive on how to play after a few seconds. The puzzle component of moving objects was good, I would fail, restart, learn, solve. Good job on the quick restart key. I did get pretty hard and I didn't finish 😔

Biblically accurate clear cutting. I wasn't sure if there were controls outside of WASD, other sprites were attacking, wasn't sure I could? I liked that the offspring size changed and you respawned as an offspring. It feels like the enemy could have been cut, or replaced with someone else. The AI logic seemed to work pretty well, I liked it.

Looking forward to play this when Dan or another streamer does so I can see other people in game.

thanks! This is very helpful. 

Do you know if you closed and relaunched sometime before hitting the crash the first time? I suspect there's save loading issues in some cases. Or did the crash happen without ever closing?

I stayed up last night to beat it. More fun than I was expecting. Loved the art and creature names.

10/10 for accessibility controls.

It took me a little bit to understand how to play, but after actually READING the tutorial boxes it all made since. It still took me a bit to see where the AP was tracked before I saw the dots under the characters. This feels like such a huge entry for a jam, good job! The balance feels really good to me. 10/10 would have a party of just bugs again.

10/10 would cosplay a virus spreading across the universe again.

10/10 would buy a new graphics card to play this game again.

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning, since the world's been turning

10/10 would get 10/10 elements again.

10/10 would try to not die again.

What does the space fox say?
10/10 would space fox again.

10/10 would spend 1181 hours to beat the game again.

10/10 would dig my own grave again.

Too realistic, I too would die on my first day on another planet. After first death everything made sense. 10/10 would wreck yet another planet for humans again.

I loved the music matching the game play speed. 10/10 would jam out to a bop driving the wrong way on a road again.

10/10 would crack the code with friends again. <3

Highscore 38. I loved the progression and the doodle effect was indeed great. 10/10 would knock over vase looking for light switch again.

10/10 would cosplay Gregor Mendel again.

10/10 would have ghosts sing to me again. 

BaDing! 10/10 would click again. The music! The achievements! The jokes! The Dot! The CATS! I have no critical feedback because this game is purrfect. 

At first I thought I would be able to win since I didn't know how the other player pieces could move, but I just needed to play a few times to get the hang of it and realize that the AI didn't play overly defensive. I love the idea of using community members as game pieces.

The sound effects were great! So far out of the jam entries, this game has made me laugh the most.

The first couple of months I thought I would never make a profit and I thought that was expected, but following the in game prompts got me there! Great game design and story! Overall felt so polished! I played an earlier version so I had figured out you can press arrow keys together to go diagonal, if it was my first time playing it would have taken me a bit to figure that out since I didn't read any of the text on the page before playing  😂