Hello, I have a small question to ask. Is "coolness" as exposed in the api for entries.json actually just votes given?
Because a user of my site told me that his coolness was actually the same as his votes given.
I did the calculation on it. His game is: https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2024/rate/2896675
In api it currently gives it 82 for coolness, and 38 for rating count. If we take coolness as the actual coolness value and reverse the formula to get votes_given we get 3826 which is simply not humanly possible unless they give each game like 1 minutes or make a spam bot.
I feel like "coolness" in the api is actually votes_given, am I wrong?
Is this a naming mistake in the api?
Edit: I took a look at the minimized client side code. It seems that its taking coolness attribute straight from the entries.json without changing it. I think I'll calculate karma like how itch calculates it and then show the "coolness" attribute taken from api as votes_given.(that is, if there is an naming mistake in the api for entries.json)
the code that I found:
I.karma_score = function(u) {
var p, l;
return p = u.coolness || 0,
l = u.rating_count || 0,
Math.log(1 + p) - Math.log(1 + l) / Math.log(5)