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A member registered Aug 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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(9 edits)

Hello, I have a small question to ask. Is "coolness" as exposed in the api for entries.json actually just votes given?

Because a user of my site told me that his coolness was actually the same as his votes given.
I did the calculation on it. His game is: 

In api it currently gives it 82 for coolness, and 38 for rating count. If we take coolness as the actual coolness value and reverse the formula to get votes_given we get 3826 which is simply not humanly possible unless they give each game like 1 minutes or make a spam bot.

I feel like "coolness" in the api is actually votes_given, am I wrong?

Is this a naming mistake in the api?

Edit: I took a look at the minimized client side code. It seems that its taking coolness attribute straight from the entries.json without changing it. I think I'll calculate karma like how itch calculates it and then show the "coolness" attribute taken from api as votes_given.(that is, if there is an naming mistake in the api for entries.json)

the code that I found:

I.karma_score = function(u) {
    var p, l;
    return p = u.coolness || 0,
    l = u.rating_count || 0,
    Math.log(1 + p) - Math.log(1 + l) / Math.log(5)

Hello, I have a small site to scrape jam game data and display to people. I use the "entries.json" that uses when rendering jam game entries. I have a question to ask: 

In this post it was said that karma system was currently given - received. Is this still true? 

Also, in the entries.json file, there's a "coolness" rating for each game. My 2nd question is this: Is the coolness value equal to karma, or is it coolness - received ratings(or something entirely different)

Currently I show the coolness value as "karma" but I wouldn't want to misinform people so I'm asking here

your criticism is 100% true, I got a bit carried away with sfx/small little things most people wouldn't notice lol

Making the game a bit easier & fixing the restart bug would've definitely improved it, will do proper testing next time

Thanks for feedback

lol I got inspired from tower bloxx, which is an old game I used to play on my grandfather's phone

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I thought I waited long enough but my time step scale was too low ig, tried it again and now it works, thx

I did though, I made a robot with one leg and 2 arms with a missile, but when I click on build the game just didnt let me build it and played that negative sound

The mechanic was fun but clipping issues made it kinda hard to get past levels. Also button pulling in the menu got stuck for me and had to refresh it

a button to restart level would be nice

music fits the game pretty well lol. Did you guys make it or found it somewhere

Love the game idea, wish it was a bit longer though lol

Also found a bug where if you move bugs over another one, you can drag them both

real fun to mess around with, I cant get my population to increase, isnt the habitable zone green?

I love the idea, some sound effects would be nice

really great game, wish it was easier to scale the window though 

collisions could be better

How do I build the robot

Im too dumb for this, rated it 5stars

doesnt work :/

Nice game, one question though, are the levels pre made or do you generate unique constellations for each playthrough

didnt realize that I had to install the pre release version of batframework, other than that, nice game

nice game

we didnt use a premade generator for the planets. They're being drawn on the gpu. The only thing premade is the normal and uv textures as well as the planet texture itself

thanks for the requirements.txt suggestion, added it to the source now

cat upspsps

the art is really great, I only have one complain which is that on web you have to drag on the opposite direction to where you want to go, however its kinda hard to drag since the spaceship is near the border of the screen.

other than that really great game overall!

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maybe it could be a bit easier to dodge projectiles & you dont have to replay the story to get to the fight


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Did it again for the next level too, I think you have to first get to the target and then press R but not too sure

Edit: I was playing in browser version, the bug might not be happening in exe but havent tested it

By perfectly timing resetting the level and reaching the target you can get a 00.00 score somehow(did this accidentally while trying to get 00.91)

I got the 3rd 4th 5th and 1st one if I remember correctly

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It seems like you're saving the drawn rects in memory, You should instead not save them in memory and keep the whole drawable surface as a surface and just blit the sprite of the brush for better performance. Cool app tho

Cool game, I got 4 swords and 27 diamonds. My one suggestion would be that you should decrease the size of each tile so that the player can see more

Nice game!

Nice game :D

nice game, but I think you should make the enemies and enemy bullets more noticeable

(1 edit)

Idk why but when you're between the overworld and the inside of the well the fps drops a lot in the well level

not gonna lie I suffer from the same problem too, sometimes shoot for too much and then end up putting off a project because I couldn't get something to work :/

I like the game but it took me some time to realize that I should've entered the "butt thing". Now that I look back it was obvious lol. Also I know that you spent 10 hours on this but it's impressive that you managed to do all this. 

The sounds are great lol

Jumping is good but when you hold spacebar it keeps jumping but it doesn't play the sound

Interesting idea but maybe you could've made it so the player is moving and you have to find the words to make the player avoid obstacles or jump over them

Cool idea but I couldn't figure out how the block breaking works.

It's a great game for 3 hours but player going up/down is slow