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Thanks for asking this question.  I work hard to make sure I have a total 100% sanction of the russian economy and anyone who supports the war.  I rushed into getting this game without doing any research and given all the good youtubes I've enjoyed of it felt it would be nice to donate.  Now I feel a little stupid finding out the game's potential but unconfirmed ties to russia :(

Many people will think this is silly, but when your own family and friends are being killed it hits very different.  I helped build a house in Bucha so this is all very close to me.

(3 edits) (+4)

I'm a much greater victim of Russia's actions than you may imagine and still happily support MrDrNose for the awesome game he's making. You judging the game based on its origins won't help me or hurt me or my loved ones one bit. Please stop thinking with borders and applying stereotypes based on which country's ID the person is carrying inside their pocket and just enjoy the project. You can make the difference in other, actually impactful ways, and refusing to grab 1.4 gigabytes from's servers aren't one them. All you do is make me sad that trying to support people like me, you miss on the opportunity to just sit down and enjoy something without backtracking into politics.