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A member registered Jul 03, 2021

Recent community posts

У игры большой упор в процессор, какой у тебя?

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It feels like a few issues are going on. To start with, are you sure your stick isn't formatted to FAT32? `VotV-WindowsNoEditor.pak` is above the 4096M threshold of FAT32. On Linux natively, maybe the archive was damaged or something, or Nautilus is acting picky again with its sketchy multithreaded writes?

Try to install p7zip on your main distro (`sudo apt install p7zip-full`, `sudo dnf install p7zip`, `sudo pacman -S p7zip` ...), `cd` to the directory the archive is in, and do `7z x pa08_0017.7z`. Check carefully the output, it might just show what the issue is.

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By "heavy censorship" I generally refer to prohibiting pornographic content, foul language in the comment section, and removal of content their moderation team deems offensive.

Two recent controversies show Nexus's guts. The first one is deleting the pronoun removal mod for Starfield, which is basically the Nexus team's way of dictating their personal biases to the mass public and putting them over the message the mod maker wanted to deliver. No matter if the message was right or wrong, the point is that Nexus interfered with the community and enforced their own decision. The second one is claiming ownership over people's work by prohibiting mod creators from deleting their mods. It is self-explanatory, a way to secure their library, and a clear statement "your content is more important than you".

It is genuinely disappointing to see Nexus getting this level of support. In today's society a cool one-click mod installer is enough to cover up monopolistic, corporate-driven practices, I guess.

Nexus may support VotV, but I don't support Nexus.

Their staff is woke, the platform advocates for heavy censorship instead of promoting freedom of speech and creativity, and generally, their monetization practice is exploitable, monopolistic, and aimed to force the user to stay on the platform.

Better not to use Nexus when there are alternatives.

Using the crumpled paper didn't work for me in the initial 0.8.0 release and I still haven't tried using it in the current build

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The X86 architecture is VERY outdated. We need to tackle why you have a 32 bit system in the first place. What CPU do you have and how much RAM is installed in your system?

Error codes, crash logs, step-by-step explanation please

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I don't see any complications, and it definitely won't be nearly as hard as writing the multiplayer logic from scratch. UE, even 4, is very friendly towards VR. It even launches OpenXR if you launch a UE instance with a headset connected to your PC.

Then it'll be all about animating Dr.Kel's hands/fingers, mapping controls (the logic "when holding F, attach the item to viewpoint" is already there), and adjusting FOV optimizations so the items won't pop up at the edge of the screen. 

It won't be stable, but more than enough for VR enthusiasts and the alpha state of the game.

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Not "how did it appear there", but "how to get rid of it in the most brutal way possible" is the question you should be asking. May I offer hanging it on the hook and beating it up like piñata?

Все верно, проблема не в отсутствии инструмента, а в скорости загрязнения окон

Just download 0.8.0e (or the newest available), the first build you're playing on contains numerous issues you don't want to have during your playthrough.

I haven't either. I'm on day 21 and the only "scary" things I saw are Ariral pranks such as the alien catapult. After reading the changelog I expected the update to be packed with scares and THREATS, but just... Nothing happens! Other than Dr.Kel frustratingly refusing to go to sleep even if there's nothing nearby.

I thought it was just me getting immune to everything weird in this game.

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I'm a much greater victim of Russia's actions than you may imagine and still happily support MrDrNose for the awesome game he's making. You judging the game based on its origins won't help me or hurt me or my loved ones one bit. Please stop thinking with borders and applying stereotypes based on which country's ID the person is carrying inside their pocket and just enjoy the project. You can make the difference in other, actually impactful ways, and refusing to grab 1.4 gigabytes from's servers aren't one them. All you do is make me sad that trying to support people like me, you miss on the opportunity to just sit down and enjoy something without backtracking into politics.

>кладу коробку в соответствующее место

Сомневаюсь, это место теперь снаружи ворот

Certified Dr.Kel behavior

Try a different browser

You're welcome ^_^

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You can't install 7-Zip without admin privileges, that what the problem is? You can try using a portable executable, for example, this one. Open it, navigate to the location where you downloaded `pa08_0016.7z`, open it, and extract it using the "Extract" button in the top left corner (don't drag & drop into the File Explorer). Alternatively, the access to Microsoft Store usually doesn't require admin permissions, so you can try downloading NanaZip from there.

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С программами связано быть не должно, обычно эта ошибка значит, что игра не может найти свои файлы. Попробуй заново распаковать папку `pa08_0016` из архива "как есть" куда-нибудь в `C:\pa08_0016`, через 7-Zip или NanaZip, чтобы убедиться, что все файлы успешно перенеслись и в пути нет кириллических символов. Затем запускай `C:\pa08_0016\WindowsNoEditor\VotV.exe`.

Отправляй сигналы же... Можешь слить уголь, MRE, и консервы из ящиков, огнетушители, и камни. Можешь проехаться в сторону озера вдоль реки, найти упавшее дерево, в нем будет бочка, из неё вытаскивай 50 MRE на продажу.

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Yeah, I had no idea either until I noticed that in the new update stamina now drains a lot when you climb ledges.

I guess Dr. Kel didn't skip his leg days but did skip his pull-up workouts.

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The same happened to me at around 10:00-11:00 on day 11 (Thursday I believe). I climbed the tower and saw a church not too far from the base, it seems to be locked but has pretty cryptic stuff written all over the walls.

Скачай 0.8.0b, в ней пофиксили

All gamebreaking bugs were already reported on the second day after the update's release

Oooh, lol I thought you were referring to the OP's English skills by linking Cambridge's English dictionary. My bad~

I thought lore-wise a nuclear reactor is powering the base? I like the way the wind turbines look, though. Very massive and cast cool shadows on the valley.

Oh come on, even the dev himself doesn't really bother about grammar inside the game

А что такого?) Если взглянуть на ассеты из магазина Эпиков, то там практически всё сделано на блюпринтах.

Возможно это существо как-то связано с этой запиской, и свинью надо, ээ... Жечь? Лично у меня скрафтить не получилось. Держал на столе пустую бутылку пива, пластиковую бутылку, 2 куска скомканной бумаги, 2 куска обычной бумаги, зажигалку, и канистру с бензином. Пробовал и на пкм бензин в бутылки вливать, тоже не работает.

Do you have volumetric lighting on?

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You know you won't hold back, will switch to 0.8.0, and then will get your experience ruined by the game-breaking bugs. So don't even ask, go impulsive, and satisfy your curiosity, it's 0.8.0!

Sounds reasonable, but we're again canonizing this version of Dr. Kel. While in the game it's just a young, very nerdy person who clearly lacks in physique.

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Have you ever thought that MrDrNose probably switched to .7z to force at least a tiny percentage of people to get just a bit more computer literate?

A decent archival software is an essential tool on any PC. And it so happens that on Windows, 7zip-gui is the de-facto standard for most archival operations. Learn it.

If you can't get it to work, download NanaZip from Microsoft Store. It's a 7zip fork. Click-click and you just missed an opportunity to learn how to set up file associations.

Please make compatibility with OpenRouter (can be easily adapted since it is also accessible through the `openai` library and koboldcpp/llamacpp-server, which also should be pretty straightforward to add thanks to the `openai` library support. This project would benefit so much from a local deployment!

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It's not a full product yet, it's an alpha. It's normal for products in the alpha stage to have not just monthly, but weekly or even daily/nightly builds.


- You get to work directly with the alpha testers and quickly react to the bugs or game design flaws

- You don't have to backtrack a whole month or even more to fix things, rendering hours of man-work pointless

- The community stays engaged in the upcoming product


- People get to play buggy, unfinished builds (solved in the previous century with the concept of stable/nightly builds)

- Supporters will notice you lazing out for a few days

Yes. I heard that RDNA 1/2/3 drivers are decent, but I can say nothing but bad things about pre-RDNA cards I owned.