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A member registered Jul 03, 2021

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No idea, maybe the user has a thing for hot and curvy goth girls!

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Isn't she a part of the research team that works with Dr. Kel? She sends you emails as Dr_Ena with a furry profile picture, and if I remember correctly it's her who sends Kel croissants.

Ты просто хочешь вынести ярлык с игрой на рабочий стол чтобы каждый раз не заходить в папку? Правой кнопкой мышки по VotV.exe -> "Создать ярлык" и перетаскиваешь его куда угодно.

That would be pretty cool, there must be UE4 plugins that can mainstream this for the developer. One great example is Outlast 2, the clips you record with the camera there aren't just pre-renders, but in-game recordings you can access outside the game.

What the previous updates showed us is that we shouldn't load our main saves in the TEST builds and always read the notes about migration when changelogs go out. The dev usually writes about migration caveats.

98%-100% норма. Это значит что упора в процессор нет.

It "snows" inside the base too, absolutely immersion breaking

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Is it fixed in 0.8.2?

I've dropped two playthroughs at this point after ~4 in-game weeks because there's just simply nothing happening. Yes, there are those flying murderous orbs and random entities, if you somehow manage to get to the spot from the dot on the radar in time, but other than that, there's nothing but random "I don't want to sleep" with seemingly nothing happening around you.

The first few days in the game are the most exciting because you have *something* to do (clean, level up the base), but then, when I imagine that there's an impassable gap of boredom with nothing but chores until the actual events start happening from day 40 or so, I lose all interest in downloading the new version.

That's a nice screensaver

At this point I'd wait for the "stable" 0.8.2 build before starting a new playthrough

Oh damn it's Skyrim Together all over again!

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If you're on Windows, try using NTFS compression for some folders or the entire drive, right click -> Properties -> Advanced -> "Compress contents to save disk space". The VotV 0.8.2 folder goes down from 5.93GB to 5.08GB, for example.

It's most likely a quirk of the TEST build, I'm confident the dev will fix it in the "stable" release of 0.8.2

Maybe put everything inside the mail box and don't reset the events? I don't have any other advices :(

Yeah, you definitely have the new station merged on top of the old station. If you don't have a backup and resetting stuff doesn't work, the save's probably broken. Nobody can say for sure right now, there are no changelogs or migration notices from the developer.

Using the itch app is discouraged. You download the .7z file from the front page and unpack it anywhere you wish. Can you send a screenshot what opens up so I could tell you exactly what you have to do?

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You see, if you did it with just Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V, I don't think Windows copied hidden directories like AppData. Open `D:\CT50OMX500SSD1\Backup Fri, Dec 13 24 21:05:57 CT500OMX500SSD1\Users\You` in the file explorer and try to search for `VotV` or maybe just `AppData` in the search field. If it doesn't find it, then it's permanently lost... You just have to say a few well-deserved heavy slurs to Microsoft and next time backup AppData separately. You also mentioned you made an image, did you, like, copy the whole drive into a .img file or completely clone the drive onto another using a third party app? If so, AppData must be there.

What did you back up, the whole user's folder (C:\Users\YourName)? Or just the individual folders like Desktop, Documents, etc?

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Keep turning, it takes 5-6 clicks or so. Click, the opposite direction, click, the opposite direction, repeatedly.

Это нормально и даже правильно, когда видеокарта загружена на 100% это значит что она полностью утилизируется не упираясь в производительность других компонентов компьютера.

С оптимизацией действительно проблема, но никаких трюков здесь нет. Либо испорченная картинка без травы и освещения, либо фреймрейт 30. Мой совет - привыкнуть к низкому фпс, игра визуально прекрасна и не требует быстрой реакции.

Have you ever felt like you absolutely need to pet a dog even if it's so angry it's clearly gonna bite half of your arm off?

Да, есть, 

В: Все мои настройки на 0; Качество суперпикселизированное; Полностью черный\серый экран
О: Зайдите в Настройки>Игра и нажмите кнопку "Регенерировать data.sav".

>Itch will say its running

Are you running it through's launcher? You shouldn't, it's highly recommended to download the game manually.

Просто попробуй другим браузером, Firefox например. Либо с телефона, чтобы затем перекинуть игру на компьютер.

The spawn is weird, sometimes it's right behind the corner, sometimes you can do a whole expedition to find only one crystal hanging unreachable on the ceiling. The best bet would be to re-enter it if you can't find it the first few "levels".

That's because PowerShell instead of command prompt popped up, that's okay, we just need a different command. Try this: 

Remove-Item "s_I'm abouta die" -Force
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Ah I get it. I don't see your current save in this directory, does your current one have the same name as this one? If not, I think it should be safe to try deleting it with the command prompt,

Open the saves folder, hold shift and press the right mouse button somewhere in the window, choose "Open in Terminal", and type

del /p /f "s_I'm abouta die"

to forcefully delete the file with confirmation. Even if it won't delete it, the terminal generally should be more verbose about what the issue is.

Брать нужно то, что поддерживает ноут. Найди полные хар-ки своего ноута, там будет написано и то, какая память стоит, и сколько плашек уже установлено. Если не получается точно найти, то либо уточни через через прогу HWiNFO (будет написано в "Memory Modules"), либо вскрой его и посмотри что внутри установлено, все равно придется вскрывать во время установки. Лучше сделать и то, и другое; первое покажет что установлено сейчас, второе покажет, реально ли есть свободный слот для установки плашки. Затем на основе этой информации бери любую совместимую SODIMM плашку (у Athlon 3050U это будет DDR4) от популярного бренда.

Показывает 6 ГБ из-за того, что система забирает 2 ГБ на выделенную видеопамять из оперативной памяти. Если у тебя только 1 плашка установлена сейчас, либо вообще память распаяна на материнке, то со второй плашкой будет + ~20% к производительности в зависимости от игры.

А вылетать игра из-за слабого ноута не должна. Если работает, то и должно работать, если вылетает в определенный момент, то и у всех игроков должно вылетать на этом моменте. Моё единственное предположение это нехватка виртуальной памяти, попробуй увеличить pagefile через Параметры -> Система -> О системе -> Дополнительные параметры системы -> Дополнительно -> Быстродействие -> Дополнительно -> Виртуальная память и установи одновременно исходный и максимальный размеры на 32768, сохрани и перезагрузись. Но не зная точного кода ошибки сказать тяжело.

How it's named, can you write it or send its screenshot?

I'm so curious, can you send it via Google Drive or open it with a notepad to check the contents, or it's completely inaccessible?

Yeah it's a known issue. You can use a lighter to burn the notepad when it has only 1 page left to safety discard it.

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You shouldn't worry about what creators think, you're taking free products available without any license terms and do them free advertisement no matter if they understand it or not. VotV's dev is definitely not against it as it seems, there's a ton of VotV content around, including the game's files publicly available on the wikis ripped out of the game, and the dev is chill about it.

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Купи крюк, скрафти половинный крюк (обычный крюк на стол -> крафт), и притянись ко дну озера. На дне схвати Керфуса, и, держа его, дай озеру выплюнуть тебя на сушу. С первого раза не получится из-за давления воды, так что на всякий случай сохранись прямо перед этим.

You can also just dump him into the emergency shower and it "cleans" him instantly. I thought that's a feature, Maxwell seems to be the one -well who has fur while other cats appear "smooth", and he doesn't move to clean himself, so he needs often bathing.

А как туалет отмыть? Просто смочить губку и лкм по туалету зажать? Пробовал обеими губками, ни одна на нем не работает, причем губка из душевой даже стены не отмывает

That's a bug, it gets stuck here during a certain route. But it does feel like the poor thing is done doing Dr. Kel's work for nothing but a single headpat doesn't it?

You can start making your own small goals like creating small habitats in the transformer's offices, making a movie theater in the bunker, going hunting for stuff with a metal detector, fishing, etc. But the game definitely needs more mechanics because you'll still find yourself in the position where you've already accomplished everything and don't feel like doing any chores except the mandatory signals.

The good news is that the game's nowhere near the final release, the dev will for sure pack it with content to come. After all, the huge base overhaul pushed the game from the "demo" to the "pre-alpha" stage according to the dev, so he for sure has a lot of stuff planned for the game. If I were to bet I'd say once VotV gets a proper release, the current version of VotV would look to us like early prototype builds look to us today.

У меня тоже игра локнулась на вспышке в небе и последующем взрыве, правда это было где-то на 9-12 дни. Бегал по всей карте но триггера не нашел, в итоге пришлось перезаходить.

Pretty much, it's an iconic Dr. Kleiner's quote from Half-Life 2 that should reference that something is bugging out / not working. As for the menu, I think it started happening after the Halloween event and the game started loading the normal start screen.