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dude, i just tried it out and the view-port seems to be sized too large for my screen (looks zoomed into the center of the screen while cutting off a good portion of the edges), i guessed which button brought up the settings and quit, but i couldn't find a way to change the window size,

*running on p.o.s. laptop with touchpad

-not sure if i was misinterpretting it but when the character leans i noticed the bullet still landed at roughly the same spot, i'd almost expect it to land a little to the left or right depending on the lean but it might just be for visual reference.

-the look down sights worked at first but suddenly stopped working for me, like the animation would start to play and then just default to the original, i expect this had something to do with using a touchpad instead of mouse.

-could use a reticle but it might be the asthetic choice to go without,

-theirs something that feels off about the motion, might just be me needing to mess with the settings but you know how first impressions are super important for retention

i'll mess around a bit more and give more feedback but i figured the intitial reactions are just as important as the wrap up thoughts.